Repeatedly heard over the
past days are words of
A proven rogue white police
off ìcer sadistically killed George
Floyd, a Black man, by kneeling
on his neck for more than eight
minutes. His unjust death has
moved so many people to call
for change:
“It’s time to stand up and say
get your knee off our necks.”
“Th e line has been drawn in
the sand.” “Black lives matter.”
“ I can’t breathe.” “I want
systemic change.”
Th ese words are being heard
around the world. It asks the
question: “What does it mean to
be a human being?”
My heart was heavy and fi lled
with heartache as I watched the
looters wreak havoc in our city.
I felt disgusted as looters broke
into stores stealing merchandise.
But I was proud to see massive
peaceful protests beginning in
Minneapolis and moving across
our country, and then the world.
People of diff erent races and ethnicities
have stood together to
demand change. Part of that
change is getting to know people
Demonstrators stand
together in Long Island
CIty during one of several
peaceful protests that have
taken place in Queens. A time for action
who may be diff erent than
Rodgers and Hammerstein
wrote about just that in their
hit song “Getting to Know You,”
from “Th e King and I.” We share
more similarities than diff erences
and getting to know others is a
step in the right direction.
Time will tell if this movement
will alter policy and culture, but
one thing is certain: change is
needed. Black men should not be
afraid of those who are meant to
protect them, but oft en act without
accountability. Th ere must
be equal education for all children,
no matter what race. Th e
same goes for healthcare.
We are a great people and
we will persevere through this
diffi cult time. But not without
change. Th e massive justifi ed
anger must be heard and our
government must respond.
Our dignity is on trial. We
need to decide what kind of
country we want to live in.
tweet me @vschneps
Suozzi earned our vote
There are a few people in
the political world who
have made a decision to
serve and not just enjoy the
benefi ts of their position.
Many remember former
Queens Borough President
Claire Shulman, who was a dedicated
public servant who put
more shovels in the ground and
created more projects than any
other borough president in the
history of Queens.
Why I love Tom Suozzi, who
is running for re-election for
Congress, is that I feel he’s made
from the same cloth as Claire
and is a true public servant.
Coming from Glen Cove on
Long Island as a political leader
— both as mayor of Glen Cove,
then as Nassau County executive
— he knew little about
Queens. But he is a fast learner
and has become a great friend
and leader to the northeast
Queens communities that he
While Tom was a Nassau
County man, he reached out
and embraced the people of
Queens when he fi rst ran for
Congress. He came and conquered
the hearts and minds
of his would-be constituents in
Queens, won the election, and
has stayed involved over his
many years of service to us.
As we navigate the coronavirus
pandemic, I’m glad that
he has a seat at the table on
the White House’s Opening Up
America Again Congressional
Group. He is the only Democrat
from the New York delegation
and one of only 10 Democrats
in the nation to serve on the
task force.
Th ese are the most challenging
times I have ever seen,
and with Tom representing us,
I know we have a man who
devoted his whole life to public
service and who cares about the
citizens he serves.
His peers have recognized his
integrity, energy and passion,
which has earned him spots on
several committees dedicated to
helping people. We need him to
continue his work.
He received an A+ rating
from the Queens Presidents’
Co-op and Condo Council
(PCCC) in May for his work
on behalf of the co-op community
and the 70,000 units
of co-op housing represented
by the organization. During the
coronavirus pandemic, Suozzi
has led several eff orts to fi ght
for co-ops and condos throughout
his district.
A frequent visitor to his constituents
in Queens, he was
Suozzi recently distributed PPE to the
residents of Bayside and Little Neck.
on the streets of Bayside and
Little Neck last week handing
out thousands of much-needed
PPE to residents.
As former Speaker of
the United States House of
Representatives Tip O’Neill said
many years ago, “all politics is
local.” Tom personifi es that. He
knows the importance of being
seen and heard and he uses his
power for the good of his constituents.
To put it simply: he
gets it. He has served us well
and deserves to be re-elected.
With the chaos of all the
recent protests in the wake of
the disgraceful police-involved
killing of George Floyd, now —
more than ever — is the time
to use our power as citizens
and vote!
Make sure your voice is
heard and vote, whether you
do it by mail or in person!
Just do it!
A police offiffi cer and a protester
share a hug in Hollis.