Our democracy survives insurrection in Washington, D.C.
Th e wind of political change
blowing across the nation will
culminate Jan. 20 with the
enthronement of a new dispensation
letters & comments
Women Creating Change (WCC) condemns,
in the strongest terms, the violence
that took place in our nation’s capital
on Jan. 6 while Congress gathered to certify
the results of our democratic election,
as voiced by the American people.
WCC supports and actively encourages
every person to raise their voices and
advocate for the policies they believe in.
But the attempt to halt a constitutionally
mandated electoral count by a Joint
Session of Congress and violently subvert
the will of the American people by
overturning election results is not civic
engagement — it is, by defi nition, an
Although the Congressional session
was interrupted, we are glad that members
were able to return to the very room
from which they were evacuated hours
before to make their voices heard, fulfi lling
their constitutional duty and certifying
the 2020 election results.
Our country was tested, but there is reason
for hope. Th e enthusiasm and historic
turnout for the Georgia Senate runoff
race makes us optimistic that civic
engagement will continue to be a priority
for Americans for years to come.
Today we refl ect. Tomorrow we move
forward together and begin the work of
rebuilding a stronger and more united
Carole Wacey, President and CEO
Deborah Martin Owens, Board Chair
Women Creating Change
Calls for national unity during the sedition
crisis are thoroughly misguided.
Trump and his followers have declared
war on the Constitution. As the saying
goes, those who fail to learn the lessons of
history are doomed to repeat them.
Hitler, who Trump undoubtedly emulates,
was treated leniently aft er the infamous
Beer Hall Putsch and wrote Mein
Kampf during a relatively short prison
Th e Compromise of 1877 enabled ex-
Confederates to overthrow legitimately
elected governments, end Reconstruction
and institute a terror regime of white
Like Pearl Harbor, the attack on the
Capitol has awakened a sleeping giant
and we must stand fi rm to win through to
absolute victory.
Robert Berger, Bellerose
I read about Capitol Police Offi cer Brian
Sicknick, who died aft er he was beaten
with a fi re extinguisher during the attack
in the U.S. Capitol building by pro-Trump
rioters. He was a true hero in my book.
As reported, Offi cer Sicknick became an
Air National Guardsman who served in
Operation Desert Shield and Operation
Enduring Freedom. He did what had to
be done during the siege of our nation’s
Capitol building and gave up his life in
the process.
As a U.S. Navy veteran myself, having
served during the Vietnam era, and
as a member of the American Legion
Post #103 in Douglaston, I salute Offi cer
Sicknick for his bravery and going beyond
the call of duty. Your actions will never be
Let me also add my heartfelt prayers to
Offi cer Sicknick’s family, friends and fellow
offi cers who are grieving at this time.
As for those who committed this heinous
crime, may they be captured and
pay the price for their actions. And may
they come to the realization and severity
of what they have done.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Bellerose
headed by a true democrat
instead of a perceived political
tyrant cum novice or nonentity,
fortunately entrusted with
the high modicum of responsibility
to govern a great nation
called America, the land of the
free and home of the brave.
Make no mistake, the insurrection
we witnessed in real time
from news media networks that
also saturated social media is
beyond pale and was no doubt
an attempt to divert attention
and undermine our cherished
democratic values with possible
intention of continuing the politics
of contempt that has been
continuously propagated by this
Fortunately, we still have
a few good men and women
in Washington, D.C., fi ghting
for us, namely Hon. Charles
Schumer and his counterpart
Kirsten Gillibrand, both United
States senators representing the
Empire State in the United States
Politics have never been a
selfi sh endeavor or enterprise,
although throughout human
history a few nefarious leaders
have risen to infl ict injury
and injustice on an otherwise
structured model of governance
instituted and originated from
ancient Greece to help better the
human condition.
Bettering the human condition
is actually what gravitated
my interest to study the science
of politics or political science
in college. I have studied
it and actually understood the
functionality. When I’m speaking
or analyzing political trends
be sure, I understand what I’m
talking about or discussing.
For more than 40 years, I have
amassed great knowledge about
grassroot politics and the workability
of political institutions.
Aft er all, was it not Aristotle
who reminded us that “man is
by nature a political animal.”
The unfortunate incident
that took place Jan. 6 in the
confi nes of the Capitol building
was desecrated by individuals
whose intentions were likely
political. Whatever motivated
these individuals to engage in
outright nefarious behavior was
not just humiliating, but appalling
to undermine the fabric of
our democracy and democratic
Make no mistake, let us learn
from the lesson to make sure we
elect the best candidates for public
offi ce to help us fi ght against
politicians who lack integrity, a
moral compass or compassion
and only seek to vault to the
pinnacle of leadership because
of wealth or nefarious political
We should only vote for men
and women of civility, honor,
patriotism, clear conscience
and good political acumen.
And even if money can buy
one love, it should not buy anyone
unchecked political power.
Democracy has checks and balances
and it must remain that
America has always been a
great and highly regarded
nation, revered and respected by
friends and foe since the founding
of the Republic. But in the
last four years, that respect may
have sunk to a new low because
of bad leadership.
But with Biden and Harris on
the verge of taking offi ce, I see
a glimmer of hope and the ultimate
restoration of cherished
American respect coming to life.
Th ere is no need to fear any continuation
of autocracy or any
enemy foreign or domestic.
If the new Democratic Party
team, with clarity of vision, can
embrace the ideal of democratic
government, sanity will be
Dr. George Onuorah with Senator Chuck Schumer
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