1. ___ Christian Andersen
5. Medicated lozenge
11. Stop on a crawl
14. Chill
15. “Hip Hip, ___!”
16. “___ calls?”
17. Admirer of anything
19. On, as a lamp
20. Andrea Bocelli, for one
21. “___ quam videri”
(North Carolina’s motto)
22. Bit of dust
23. Hush-hush
25. Muhammad’s religion
27. Light or popular music
(2 wds)
32. Put one’s foot down?
33. Magical wish granter
34. ___-friendly
38. Codeine source
41. Exclusive
42. Vestibule
44. Girasol, e.g.
46. Performance given
only once at any one place
(hyph., 2 wds)
51. Close-knit group
52. “Stop right there!”
55. Face-to-face exam
57. “Hamlet” has five
60. Boredom
61. Family head
62. HNO2 (2 wds)
64. “___ not!”
65. Consecrate
66. Battering wind
67. Arch
68. Marked with sinuous
lines, botany
69. Aims
1. Sword handles
2. Acquiesce
3. Shade
4. Married woman, Spanish
5. Even if, briefly
6. Catch, in a way
7. ___ and aahs
8. Emotionally stressful
9. Most robust
10. Artist’s asset
11. Trigger, e.g.
12. Condo, e.g.
13. Information unit
18. Colgate rival
22. Bison features
24. Apprentice
26. Chair part
28. Chop (off)
29. Dostoyevsky novel, with
30. Bubkes
31. “Fancy that!”
34. Alien?
35. “My boy”
36. Someone visually
attractive (2 wds)
37. Kidney-related
39. Bull markets
40. Buddy
43. Free from, with “of”
45. Narrow country roads
47. Granular
48. Bully
49. Period of legal minority
50. Classic yo-yo maker
53. Association of persons
of the same trade
54. Keeps out of sight
55. “What are the ___?”
56. Aggravate
58. Beethoven’s “Archduke
59. Princes, e.g.
62. Bother
63. Adaptable truck, for
4 3 9 8
1 9 8 5
7 2 4
6 1 9 2
2 5 6 9
6 3 7
8 5 3 1
5 1 7 6
Each row must contain
the numbers 1 to 9; each
column must contain the
numbers 1 to 9; and each
set of 3 by 3 boxes must
contain the numbers 1 to 9
Answers to Last Week’s Sudoku
Answers to Last Week’s Crossword