Woodhaven exhibit showcases work of local artists
very magnifi cent things,” Rajkumar
said. “As an elected representative,
I wanted to highlight the amazing
things people are doing in the
A month ago, they started displaying
the work of two Woodhaven
artists, Jennifer Lambert and Louise
Naples, on the walls of her offi ce.
While it was not an offi cial event at
the time, the artwork was so successful
that when MSR and Camp reached
out and proposed the idea of having a
local art exhibition, the idea quickly
became a reality.
The plan, according to Camp, was
“to celebrate the arts within the community,
inspire them to fi nd their inner
artist and show the vital role that
artists contribute to enriching the
earth by creating manifestations of
their ideas that have a positive, lasting
and rippling impact on society.”
“We also wanted to give an example
that women can make an impact on
society with the arts, as well as inspire
all generations that it is never
too early or late to start to fi nd their
life path and feel fulfi lled,” Camp
The theme of Camp’s work is about
the “inner child in all of us,” the importance
of nurturing and sustaining
a sense of wonder of the world and
fi nding inspiration in everything.
“The other motifs and styles you
will see coursing through my work
are of surrealism, whimsy, peace,
environmental awareness of nature,
the psychedelic era, uplift ing inspirational
messages and celebrating and
embracing one’s uniqueness,” she
said, “as well as scenes of my childhood
neighborhood depicted with a
variety of mediums, including my
specialty, hand-painted glass.
MSR’s works in this show include
abstract expressionist pieces painted
in oil and acrylic on canvas, and two
pieces painted on wood.
According to MSR, “They are
pieces that the more you look at
them, the more you can discover
about yourself. The themes combine
nature and self-refl ection, and I hope
that the audience can see themselves
immersed in a diff erent world each
She hopes to eventually open a
gallery of her own that can be a
sanctuary and a safe place for artists
like her, who didn’t grow up with support
but who are determined to make
a mark on the world.
For Rajkumar, her hope is that
through similar events, Woodhaven
is recognized as the new hub for
visual and performing arts.
“Woodhaven is an artistic cultural
center. It’s not just Brooklyn and
Manhattan — there’s also so much
talent right here in Woodhaven,” she
The art will remain on her walls
through Oct. 19. Anyone interested
in checking it out is welcome to visit
Rajkumar’s offi ce during operating
Her offi ce, located at 83-91 Woodhaven
Blvd., is open Monday through
Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., as well as
Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A new art show kicked off in Woodhaven
on Sunday, Sept. 19, off ering
community members a chance to
enjoy hors d’oeuvres while perusing
fi ne art.
The “Women in Art Haven” exhibition,
sponsored by Assemblywoman
Jenifer Rajkumar, is an art show
featuring the work of talented Woodhaven
artists and is scheduled to run
through Oct. 19.
Rajkumar’s office now doubles
as an art museum — the once bare
white walls now covered in colorful
displays. For one month, people can
visit the ongoing exhibit, which features
two local Woodhaven artists,
Mahfuza Shammy Rahman (MSR)
and Deborah Camp.
“The opening reception was beyond
what we had hoped for,” MSR said.
“There was a steady trickle in of people
from the area. I got to meet with several
of them and answer the questions
they had about my work. What was incredibly
special was a lot of the guests
who attended also had artistic outlets
and shared some of their experiences
with me. It was really amazing to see
other artists and inspire children to
keep creating works of art.”
Rajkumar felt the exhibition
has been inspiring for her and the
“Families came in with their children
and exposed their children to
art, and the artists took the children
around to each of their pieces and
discussed art with them,” Rajkumar
said. “I think this will cultivate a
lifelong love of art in the youth of
The assemblywoman said her
offi ce has always been a communityoriented
space, with people stopping
by, calling in, engaging and sharing
ideas, which is how she learned
about the art community in the
“As you engage neighbors about
what matters to them, you learn
what people are doing and what their
interests are, and people are doing
Mahfuza Shammy Rahman (MSR), Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar and
Deborah Camp at the art exhibit. Photos courtesy of MSR
Ridgewood Property Owners &
Civic Association, Inc.
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we’re still building a reputation,
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Zoom Meeting
First Thursday October 7 th, 2021, 7 pm
Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar
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