Congress must provide undocumented people
the path to citizenship that they have earned
While our government battles
over immigration reform,
secure in their status as
documented individuals, we know
firsthand what it is like to live in
constant fear of deportation. Despite
signifi cant cultural and economic contributions,
undocumented immigrants
in this country face unprecedented
diffi culty that demands action.
We are both “Dreamers” – the
moniker used to describe immigrants
who came to this country with their
families at a young age. It is beyond
troubling, even insulting, to see our
life experiences trivialized and used
as political pawns by those who lack
an understanding of what it’s like to
live in the shadows. We are examples
of how the system is fl awed, off ering
only band-aid solutions to complex
problems and attempting to arbitrarily
rewrite our life experiences.
Nine years ago, Congress reached an
impasse that resulted in an executive
order establishing the Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
program to extend deportation protections
for certain young immigrants so
they could earn an education, work
and remain in the U.S. safely, expanding
their hope for a brighter future.
Even though certain temporary
status programs, including DACA,
opened opportunities for nearly
700,000 young undocumented immigrants,
they were not meant to be a
long-term fi x. The result left millions
behind due to arbitrary eligibility
standards. These individuals are effectively
trapped, unable to access a
permanent immigration status, and
stuck in a legal limbo that destabilizes
immigrant communities across New
York and our nation.
We share an unbreakable bond born
out of our struggles and determination
to follow our dreams. Monica came to
this country at 16, just three months too
late to benefi t from DACA’s protections.
While she remains undocumented, she
has not been deterred in her fi ght for
the just and dignifi ed treatment of
young people, women, and immigrants.
Catalina is one of “the lucky ones” who
obtained legal status through marriage,
but has never forgotten the diffi
culties she faced in accessing critical
services and a college degree.
Through hard work, a network of
support and some luck, we both succeeded
despite the system’s failures.
We have been able to advocate for and
implement change, doubling down on
our eff orts to ensure that all undocumented
immigrants for generations to
come can obtain legal status, instead
of being trapped in an endless cycle
of false hope. We’ve worked to pass
the Jose Peralta DREAM Act, off ering
fi nancial aid to New York students like
us, fought to ensure undocumented
New Yorkers can access driver’s licenses
and so much more.
Considering the contributions of
undocumented immigrants, we fi rmly
believe that it is past time for Congress
to put politics aside and act. People in
power have been debating our future
while we watch, wait, and worry. We
have suff ered long enough. Decades of
inaction have resulted in a patchwork
of policies that only worsen an already
bad situation. And a ready solution is
at our fi ngertips.
The American Dream and Promise
Act passed the House with Republican
support. A similar bipartisan bill in
the Senate, the Dream Act, would create
a pathway to citizenship for young
undocumented immigrants – a policy
supported by 77 percent of Americans.
The passage of this legislation would
ensure thousands of families won’t
fear deportation and will fi nally be
treated with the respect they deserve.
We urge Congress to forward this
legislation to the president’s desk, as
it is not only the right thing to do, but
it will also be a much-needed stimulus
to the U.S. economy.
Immigrants from all types of economic
and cultural backgrounds – including
both of us – are deeply woven
into the fabric of our state and country.
We call on U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Chuck Schumer to use any means
necessary to ensure individuals and
families can fi nally access the permanent
legal status they deserve.
Assemblymember Catalina Cruz was
elected in 2018 to represent NY’s 39th Assembly
District. A lawyer, she is the fi rst
DREAMer elected to the NYS Legislature.
Monica Sibri is a student at the Graduate
School of Political Management at The
George Washington University, a cofounder
of the CUNY Dreamers, and the
Development Advisor at Poder Latinx.
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