Queens lawmakers join Glendale residents in calling
for a solution to quality-of-life issues on Edsall Avenue
State Senator Joseph Addabbo
and Councilman Robert Holden
visited Edsall Avenue in Glendale
this week to discuss the startling decay
of the area that residents have noticed
over the years.
Edsall Avenue extends just four
blocks with a train track running parallel
to houses where some residents
have lived for decades. Many consider
moving because of the issues they are
facing now.
Luis Ross lives just 40 feet from the
tracks and said the noise, among other
things, has seriously aff ected his quality
of life.
“We can’t sleep. Me and my wife were
going to stay in a hotel one time because
it was aff ecting my heart,” Ross said.
“We’re tired. We either have to move
out or tell somebody about this.”
The railroad that runs parallel to the
street is leased by New York & Atlantic
Railway Co. (NYA). The residents
complain that at odd hours of the night,
trains will come by and blare horns
and slam the cars together. This creates
incredible noise and shaking that some
say is ruining the foundations of their
Rosalyn Rosario, who lives off of
Edsall Avenue, said she has cracks all
over her house.
“I have cracks all throughout my
house,” Rosario said. “Who is going to
pay for that?”
In response to this, NYA said that
though it was understandable that residents
would be bothered by the noise,
the horns are completely unavoidable.
“Audible warning devices are federally
mandated to ensure the general
public’s safety,” said NYA in a statement.
“Rest assured that our train crews are
not wantonly sounding horns for any
other purpose than what is required by
federal safety regulations. Safety is of
paramount concern to NYA.”
The NYA had planned to come out
to the meeting but canceled a couple of
days before. In an email to a concerned
resident, NYA reassured that they work
closely with community leaders and
elected offi cials to be a good neighbor.
“We have always been responsive to
our neighbors’ quality-of-life concerns,
including ongoing maintenance of the
property within our control,” NYA said.
Holden said otherwise at the meeting,
claiming he has had a hard time with the
railway for years.
“The railroad has been historically
unresponsive for decades,” Holden
said. “We had a hole in the fence kids
were getting into by Lutheran Avenue.
It took three years for them to fi x it.”
The reason loud disconnecting and
connecting happens with the trains is
Residents along Edsall Avenue come together to make a diff erence on their street. Photo by Julia Moro
because the freight yard does not have
these quality-of-life issues are what
enough room.
my people are concerned about. It is
“They’re using our backyards as their
about how you administer the police
freight yard, which is not acceptable.
We’ve been writing letters,” Holden
Addabbo encouraged people to take
said. “All we can do is complain; it’s a
pictures of their houses if there are
federal issue.”
cracks or structural damage to their
NYA had said they recently realigned
houses. He also said that it’s crucial
and replaced 650 feet of track to try and
for residents to call 311 or 911 with
mitigate the noise issues. Residents appreciate
complaints. From there, Holden and
himself would have traction with the
104th Precinct and proof that community
members are unhappy.
Holden and Addabbo said they will
be reaching out to the necessary agencies
and look to meet back on Edsall
to follow up with residents in about a
Gaspare Mistretta (president of Queensboro Unico) and Anthony
D’angelo (vice president of Queensboro Unico), along with members
of the organization, presented a $500 donation to Father Peter of Our
Lady Of Hope on June 17 at the “Hope In Smoke” fundraiser.
the eff orts made but are still
struggling with their quality of life.
On top of the railway issues, residents
complain of crime, illegal parking and
According to Victor Rodriguez, the
newly developed homeless shelter on
Cooper Avenue is bringing “undesirable”
people to the tracks and street.
The shelter is a short walk from Edsall
“They come up this avenue and they
just hang out here and walk the tracks,”
Rodriguez said. “Between this area
looking like a dump, it’s attracting all
the undesirables.”
At the meeting, residents claimed
they have seen a man masturbating
on the street and another living in an
unregistered van. Many unregistered
vehicles line the street next to the railroad
“Everybody forgot about us. We pay
the same taxes. We’re not asking for
what hasn’t been done already,” Rodriguez
Addabbo said that he doesn’t know
how residents put up with it. He also
said that there are already laws in place
to avoid these issues, but because of the
current mayor, nothing is being done.
“It’s about enforcement. There are
rules about dumping,” Addabbo
said. “With this administration, the
graffi ti is back. The noise is back. All