42 The Courier SuN • JULY 2, 2015 for breaking news visit www.couriersun.com for breaking news visit www.timesnewsweekly.com JULY 2, 2015 • times 27 victoria’s secrets VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] Geraldo helps once again Steven Santino with Geraldo Rivera Dynamic for all the news 24 hours, 7 days a week DENTAL go WORK to www.ridgewoodtimes.com 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106 tweet me @vschneps Free Whitening included Some excluSionS Apply the inViSiBle WAy to StrAighten teeth third generation dentist $1500 off Lumineers $500 off Invisalign It was a picture-perfect day as I drove up to the country club in New Jersey where Life’s worC was holding our 27th geraldo rivera golf outing. There was Geraldo broadcasting live his daily wabC radio show just off the first hole. It has been a wonderful year, with Geraldo raising over $720,000 as a finalist in “Celebrity apprentice.” He had donated all of the money to Life’s WORC to help us open the family Center for autism in garden City. And now he’s helping once again, this time at his namesake annual golf outing, which has raised more than $1 million over 27 years. What a unique, caring man he is and I feel blessed that he has stayed involved in our cause since he uncovered and reported on the horrendous conditions at the Willowbrook State School in 1971. He’s a man who not only brilliantly reports the news but puts his heart with his voice and has made a difference in his unique and powerful style. As a bonus, I got to golf with my son Josh as we made our way through the 18 holes, coming in two over par, not because of me but my golf-mates with me, making one great putt! In golf, with a few good shots, I believe I can come back and play another day. There is hope.... Steven Santino was among the honorees Geraldo Rivera and Victoria Schneps-Yunis
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