

WWW.QNS.COM RIDGEWOOD TIMES JUNE 15, 2017 19 Old Glory fl ies high over Sunnyside parade PHOTOS BY WALTER KARLING Th ere were more than three cheers for the red, white and blue during the Sunnyside Flag Day parade held on June 10. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Sunnyside and Woodside, the march featured an array of local community groups, schools, elected offi cials and others who participated in the early celebration of Flag Day, which is normally observed on June 14. Th e parade proceeded along Greenpoint Avenue from 39th Avenue to Joe Sabba Park at the corner of Queens Boulevard and 50th Street, where a ceremony was held in honor of local veterans. Folks from the United Forties Woodside Civic Association. A job well done deserves an offi cial group photo for the members of Boy Scout Troop 390. Singer Paula Hoestetter sings a stirring rendition of “God Bless America”. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Woodside Post 2812’s rifl e team get “Ready, Aim and Fire!” Students from PS 199. This school was presented with the trophy for the largest number of parade participants. Looking sharp and spiff y: Aviation High School Color guard & drumline. Students from Francis Lewis High School. Local pols marching en route: State Senator Michael Gianaris, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan and City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer Here comes the parade led by the Sunnyside Drum Corps A patriotically proud parade participant: Paula Hoestetter

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