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Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Kaufman. (Beat 8) Michael Balasinowicz, at 69th Street, for criminal mischief, by Det. Moon. (Beat 10) Josesph Espinal, at Bleecker and 61st streets, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Rieger. (Beat 4) Axel Andrade, at Fresh Pond Road and Catalpa Avenue, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Keane. (Beat 2) Luis Pina, at Seneca Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Valdemar. (Beat 2) Jose Saltos, at Seneca Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Valdemar. Apr. 5: (Beat 3) Eve Frudakis, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for making graffiti, by P.O. Fernandez. (Beat 5) Alexander Mercedes, at Cooper Avenue and Cypress Hills Street, for unauthorized use of a vehicle, by P.O. Bublin. (Beat 3) Santana Kenner, at Cypress Avenue and Decatur Street, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Wynter. (Beat 5) Ambiorix Torres, at Cooper Avenue and Cypress Hills Street, for assault, by P.O. Bublin. (Beat 5) Jose Calcano, at Cooper Avenue and Cypress Hills Street, for assault, by P.O. Bublin. (Beat 3) Joseph Smith, at Wyckoff Avenue and George Street, for theft of service, by P.O. Kaufman. (Beat 14) Rosa Cerda, at Metropolitan Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Weil. (Beat 1) Michal Krasowski, at Forest Avenue, for menacing, by Det. Moon. (Beat 2) Kerolos Bolous, at Madison Street, for reckless endangerment, by P.O. Mendez. Apr. 6: (Beat 10) Chondrawatt Rasiawan, at Grand Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Scrimenti. (Beat 15) 104th Pct. Blotter Persons arrested in recent police actions as reported by the 104th Precinct included the following individuals: Mar. 31: (Beat 4) Curtis Porter, at 68th Avenue and 64th Street, for robbery, by P.O. Rogers. (Beat 4) Francisco Laureano, at 68th Avenue and 62nd street, for DUI, by P.O. Sullivan. (Beat 14) Colum Kelly, at Fresh Pond Road, for criminal contempt, by P.O. Anderson. (Beat 2) Baltazar Loja, at Gates and Seneca avenues, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Jimenez. (Beat 16) Gladys Pazmino, at Metropolitan Avenue and Woodhaven Boulevard, for assault, by Det. Lundy. (Beat 3) Nicole Kasmnan, at Decatur Street, for burglary, by P.O. Florio. Apr. 1: (Beat 11) Edward McKenzie, at 75th Street, for criminal contempt, by P.O. Bergen. (Beat 5) Stephanie Kenny, at 65th Place, for filing a false report, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 10) Ignacio Peterson, at 61st Street, for criminal mischief, by Det. Diaquoi. (Beat 4) Eric Rivera, at Madison Street, for criminal obstruction of breathing, by Det. Moon. (Beat 3) Jimmy Lugo, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Steed. (Beat 15) Efrain Hernandez, at Linden Street, for sexual abuse, by Det. Kenny. (Beat 5) Kenneth Pimentel, at 62nd Street, for criminal mischief, by P.O. Zdunczyk. Apr. 2: (Beat 16) Karamjit Dhaliwal, at Myrtle Avenue, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 16) Gursewak Singh, at Myrtle Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 16) Lee Kanevsky, at Myrtle Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Hynes. (Beat 1) Tony Perez, at Seneca Avenue, for criminal obstruction of breathing, by P.O. Ostrowskatuznik. (Beat 1) Brooklynn Moore, at Seneca Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Ostrowskatuznik. Apr. 3: (Beat 3) Gregory Jackson, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Kaufman. (Beat 15) Calvin Peebeles, at Seneca Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Rosalez. (Beat 14) Christopher Smith, at Eliot Avenue and Fresh Pond Road, for assault, by P.O. Demarco. (Beat 10) John Pierrepont, at Metropolitan Avenue, for robbery, by Det. Williams. (Beat 4) Rejilt Naji, at 69th and Forest avenues, for driving with a suspended license, by P.O. Martinez. (Beat 15) Tyler Pizarro, at Himrod Street, for criminal possession of a weapon, by P.O. McCarren. (Beat 3) Ernesto Quintero, at Wyckoff and Myrtle avenues, for theft of service, by P.O. Desantis. (Beat 3) Ricardo Estevez, at Centre Street and Wyckoff Avenue, for DWI, by P.O. Mendez. Apr. 4: (Beat 4) Rafal Oltuszewski, at Palmetto Street, for endangering an adult, by P.O. Alvarez. (Beat 14) Robert Mann, at Metropolitan Avenue, for grand larceny, by Det. Monaco. (Beat 3) Edison Santana, at -SEE 104 BLOTTER ON PG. 65- 11 • TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 Lighthouse Assembly of God 71-29 68th Place (bet. Myrtle Ave. & Central Ave.) Glendale, N.Y. 11385 1-718-456-1203 Rev. Deo Geer, Pastor Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Morning Worship (& Children Church) 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Friday-Prayer, Bible Study And Youth Meeting-7:30 pm (Preaching ALL The Gospel To ALL The Family) ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - LIGHTHOUSE Times Newsweekly Let Our Classified Section Work For You. 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