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TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 • 12 LIPSKY TAX SERVICES My Say “Personal Attention with Professional Service” It’s Time For Congress To Raise Minimum Wage by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand It’s been more than four years since Congress last raised the federal minimum wage. Hard-working families are doing all they can to make ends meet during the worst economy of our lifetime—but through no fault of their own—feel like they are just slipping further behind. When adjusted for inflation—the federal minimum wage of $7.25 today is much lower than its peak in 1968. Too many working poor families are below the poverty line, which not only holds these families back, but also holds back our local economy from its full potential growth. New York City is home to three of the nation’s top 10 areas with the highest cost of living, according to the Council for Community and Economic Research. Queens ranked seventh in the country. For Queens residents, it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet with the rising cost of groceries, rent, transportation, and basic necessities. Last year, New York State passed legislation increasing the wage to $9 an hour by 2015. It’s no coincidence that of the 10 states with the lowest wage gaps, seven have set a minimum wage higher than the federal rate. Now, it is time for Congress to follow New York’s lead and take action. It is simply unacceptable that a single parent working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year to support a family, earns just $290 a week. That’s $15,000 a year—without any time off. That salary is $3,000 below the poverty line for a family of three in New York. We need an economy that rewards hard work. Raising the federal minimum wage would give working men, women and families the power to raise themselves into the middle class—and benefit the entire economy through stronger consumer confidence and more customers for local small businesses. In fact, increasing wages to $10.10 an hour would boost incomes for millions of American workers, and generate billions in new economic growth, according to the Economic Policy Institute. And let’s be clear, this is not just about teenagers working part-time summer jobs. • Close to 90 percent of the lowest wage earners who would see their paychecks increase by raising the minimum wage are over the age of 20. • Sixty-two percent of minimum wage earners nationwide are women, -SEE MY SAY ON PG. 55- Cop Honored For Good Arrests In Sunnyside For arresting two men for robbery and grand larceny, P.O. James Campbell was presented with the Cop of the Month award at the 108th Precinct Community Council monthly meeting in Sunnyside last Tuesday, Mar. 25. On Mar. 1, Campbell arrested the two perpetrators after they forcibly removed a victim from his car, assaulted him, and then fled the scene in the same vehicle. Pictured from left are Diane Ballek, precinct council president; Lt. Jon Cermeli; Campbell; and Capt. Brian Hennessy, 108th Precinct commanding officer. The award is sponsored by the Times Newsweekly. (photo: Marcin Zurawicz) 67-07 Myrtle Avenue, Glendale, NY 11385 Phone: (718)-497-2883 • Fax: (718)-497-3514 NEW CLIENTS $20 OFF Special offer Expires April 15th 2014 NEW CLIENTS Receive their first 3 months of Accounting, Consulting and Bookkeeping Services FREE ACCOUNTING Write-ups & Bookkeeping Financial Statements Compilations Reviews Audits CONSULTING Health Insurance Retirement Planning Resolution of Tax Issues TAXATION Sales Taxes Payroll Taxes Personal Income Taxes Partnership Taxes Corporation Taxes Estate & Gift Taxes FREE ©Times Newsweekly - 2014- LIPSKY TAX CONSULTATION ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - IS113

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