FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT APRIL 2, 2015 • TIMES 5 ElEctrolysis By rita PErmanEnt Hair rEmoval cErtiFiEd ElEctrologist in BusinEss ovEr 20 yEars! call FrEE consultation 718-& 15 min. 541-trEatmEnt For 9052 nEw cliEnts STEP- I N T R O D U C I N G N Y C B PROTECT YOUR HOME & ASSETS FROM NURSING HOME BILLS Giovanni P. Silvagni, FREE INITAL CONSULTATION Queens 66-31 Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood CD First Step Elder Law Estate Planning Asset Protection Living Trusts & Wills Medicaid Home Care and Nursing Home Applications Estate and Probate Matters Real Estate CALL 718-928-3355 Out of office visits available Email: [email protected] Brooklyn 172 Gravesend Neck Road Second Step 1.04% 9-16 Ida Como, Esq • Great rate! Interest rate automatically increases at 8 and 16 months • Flexibility! Option to withdraw all or part of the funds at 8 and 16 months without penalty2 • Low Minimum! Only $2,500 required to open and maintain the account • (877) 786-6560 Third Step 0.75% 1-8 MONTHS MONTHS INTEREST RATE1 1.34% 17-24 MONTHS INTEREST RATE1 INTEREST RATE1 1.04% 24 MONTH CD APY1 1Annual Percentage Yield (APY) above is accurate as of date of publication and is subject to change without notice. The interest rate increases after each eight-month Interest Rate 24-month term. Fees could reduce earnings. The minimum balance to open and earn the above stated APY for the promotional CD is $2,500. In order to qualify for the above APY, the CD must be opened with new money not currently on deposit with the Bank. 2 eight-month Interest Rate Time Period. Offer available through branches in the states of New York and New Jersey only. Offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of the bank at any time. The bank is not responsible for typographical errors.
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