Plan, fund, go: 5 tips for organizing your next project
If you prefer to take on your own
home improvement projects instead
of hiring professional craft smen,
you’re part of a growing trend.
Americans are increasingly
aware of the money they can save by
completing their own renovations
rather than paying premium prices for
the work of others. And that’s refl ected
in sales fi gures; not surprisingly, the
value of the DIY market rose a full 45
percent between 2012 and 2018, from
$30.2 billion to $43.7 billion.
With careful planning and
budgeting, DIY projects can be fun,
efficient and creatively satisfying
while allowing you to customize your
fi nished product to your own tastes.
Is there a new DIY project in your
future? If so, consider these tips for
forming a workable strategy that
ensures you’re prepared for every
step of the process.
* Create a wish list. If you’re like
most people, you have a list a mile
long of the updates or fi xes you’d
like to make to your home. That
ever-evolving wish list is one of the
joys (and one of the challenges) of
homeownership. Create your own list,
then determine which projects you
can do on your own and which ones
will require professional help. This
will give you a starting point.
* Prioritize the projects. Once you
have your list, you’ll need to prioritize
and decide which projects come fi rst.
Take an objective look and assess
“need” versus “want” to help you rank
order. Improvements may be driven
by plans to sell your home, host an
upcoming social event or welcome a
new family member. Consider all the
variables. In a recent Coinstar survey,
nearly 40 percent of homeowners’ DIY
projects were initiated to increase the
value of their home.
* Set budgets. Evaluate your top
projects and estimate how much
each one will cost. Some may be
beyond your budget, some will be
surprisingly aff ordable, and others
may be achievable aft er you save a
little money. One funding source
you may not have considered is the
spare change laying around your
house or car. Round it up and you
may be surprised how far it goes
in financing your project. About
half of U.S. homeowners surveyed
already use spare change for DIY
projects or like the idea of doing so,
reports Coinstar.
* Plan time and resources. Before
scheduling your DIY project, think
about your free time and if your
project has a deadline. To what extent
are your nights and weekends open?
Do you have the skills to get started
on your own? Watching a YouTube
video may give you that needed
knowledge, or you may need the
help of family or friends who can
complement your skills or assist you in
meeting a deadline.
* Get supplies, then jump in. Now
that you’ve zeroed in on your project,
identifi ed fi nancing and recruited
helpers, you’re nearly ready to go.
Next, create a supply list of the tools
and materials you’ll need. To save
money, check with those you know
who may be willing to loan you tools
or other supplies. Community groups
like Nextdoor are also a great resource.
When buying new, save receipts in
case you purchase the wrong item,
don’t like something when you get it
home or buy too much.
Courtesy BPT
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