

22 JANUARY 19, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM Friday Evening January 20, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Change and Chal lenge (N) Ha waii Five-0: Ka laina one. (N) Blue Bloods: One Got Away. (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Grimm: Oh Cap tain My. (TV14) (N) Em er ald City: Sci ence, Magic. (N) Date line NBC (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Rose wood: As phyx i a tion. (N) Sleepy Hol low Crane’s en emy. (N) News (N) Street (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 World News Wheel (N) Man Stand. Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank Cloth ing line. (TVPG) (:01) 20/20: In au gu ra tion. (N) News (N) Kimmel (N) MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry: Jeremy Renner. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Vam pire Di a ries (TV14) (N) Crazy Ex-Girl friend (TV14) (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld: Dog. Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Wash. Week The Week (N) Great Per for mances (TV G) (N) Amer i can Mas ters: Au gust Wil son. (TVPG) Char lie Rose PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Wealth Trk (N) Death in Par a dise (TVPG) As Time Keep ing Up New Tricks: Cu rate’s Egg. (TVPG) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Amo despertar contigo Vino el amor Sueño americano. El color de la pasión Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Los Hispanos y Trump (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Saturday Evening January 21, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 En ter tain ment To night (N) Ran som: The Box. (TV14) (N) 48 Hours In ves ti ga tive re port 48 Hours In ves ti ga tive re port CBS 2 News Blue Bloods NBC 4 Billy Joel (N) 1st Look Fig ure Skat ing: From Sprint Cen ter in Kan sas City, Mis souri (Live) News (N) (:29) SNL (N) FOX 5 TMZ (TVPG) (N) Le thal Weapon: Jin gle Bell. Star: Code of Si lence. (TV14) FOX 5 News at 10 Nightly news re port. (N) Hell’s Kitchen ABC 7 News (N) Wheel (TV G) NBA Count NBA Bas ket ball: San An to nio Spurs at Cleve land Cav a liers (Live) Eye wit ness News Sat ur day (N) MNT 9 Ma jor Crimes: Zoo Story. (TV14) Rizzoli & Isles: All for One. (TV14) Rizzoli & Isles: Cold as Ice. An ger (TV14) An ger (TV14) Gi ants La tino (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars News (N) Honeymooners Honeymooners PBS 13 Old House Old House (N) Keep ing Up As Time Tootsie aaa (1982, Com edy) Dustin Hoffman. Male ac tor in drag. ‘PG’ The Lesser Blessed aa (2012) ‘R’ PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus My Mu sic: Disco Ex plo sion. A re union of disco su per stars. (TV G) My Mu sic: Rock, Rhythm and Doo Wop. (TV G) Brit (TV G) UNI 41 Crónicas de Sábado (N) (:55) Fútbol Liga MX: América vs UANL (Directo) Fútbol Liga MX: Tijuana vs Guadalajara (Directo) TEL 47 Con tra band aac (2012, Thriller) Mark Wahlberg. Coun ter feit money. ‘R’ 47 Ronin aac (2013, Ac tion) Keanu Reeves. Samurais bat tle. ‘PG-13’ Noticiero (N) Titulares Sunday Evening January 22, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 (6:30) NFL Play offs: AFC Cham pi on ship. (Live) Hunted: Internet Never. (N) CBS 2 News at 11PM (N) NBC 4 Date line NBC (N) Ted aaa (2012, Com edy) Mark Wahlberg. Man’s teddy bear threat ens re la tion ship. ‘R’ News (N) News4 NY (N) FOX 5 Son of Zorn Bob’s Bur gers Simp - sons Son of Zorn Fam ily Guy Bob’s Bur gers News (N) Sports Ex tra Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily ABC 7 Amer ica’s Fun ni est Home Vid eos To Tell the Truth: Kal Penn. To Tell the Truth: Ross Mathews. Con vic tion: Drop ping Bombs. Eye wit ness News Sunday (N) MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Laughs (N) An ger (TV14) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Rules: Kids. Rules (TVPG) Friends Friends News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld: Pen. PBS 13 Trea sures of New York (TV G) Mercy Street: Balm in Gilead. (N) Mas ter piece: Vic to ria. (TVPG) (N) Se crets of the Six Wives (N) Mas ter piece: Grantchester. PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Dudu Fisher: In Con cert from Is rael (TV G) Brit Floyd: The World’s Great est Pink Floyd trib ute. On the Psy chi a trist’s Couch with Dan iel G. Amen UNI 41 Sal y pimienta (TV14) (N) Su nombre era Do lores Vida de Jenni. (TV14) (N) Aquí y ahora Noticias. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Pen guins of Mad a - gas car aaa ‘PG’ Siempre niños (N) Don Fran cisco te invita (N) Noticiero (N) Titulares Monday Evening January 23, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Kevin Wait (N) Man Plan (N) 2 Broke Girls Odd Cou ple Scor pion: Hole Truth. (TV14) (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) The Ce leb rity Ap pren tice: Scis sors, Some. Dig i tal bro chure. (TVPG) (N) Time less: Jesse James. (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Gotham: Mad City: Smile. (N) Lu ci fer: Love Han dles. (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) The Bach e lor Look ing for love amongst many. (TVPG) Quantico: Cle o pa tra. (TV14) (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Law & Or der: SVU: Closet. (TV14) Law & Or der: SVU: Un der cover. News (N) In side Edi tion Harry (TVPG) (N) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Supergirl: Supergirl Lives. (N) Jane the Vir gin: Chap ter 52. (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) An tiques Roadshow (TV G) (N) An tiques Roadshow: Santa Clara. In de pend ent Lens: The Wit ness. (TVPG) (N) Char lie Rose PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus SciTech Now Mercy Street: Balm in Gilead. (N) Mas ter piece: Vic to ria. Vic to ria as cends. (TVPG) (N) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Amo despertar contigo Vino el amor Sueño americano. El color de la pasión Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Saturday Daytime January 21, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Bas ket ball (Live) NBC 4 Give Eng lish Pr. League Soc cer (Live) Pre mier Fig ure Skat ing (Live) FOX 5 Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) FOX Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Pen guins ABC 7 To Be An nounced Info un avail able. X Games 30 for 30: Cath o lics vs. Con victs. MNT 9 Paid Paid Paid LookSlim EAT WELL! Paid Beverly Hills Ninja aa (1997) ‘PG-13’ CW 11 BestPan! Paid Persn Int. (TV14) Persn Int. (TV14) El e men tary El e men tary PBS 13 Open Mind Cau cus BrainFit: Grow Your Brain (TV G) Esmonde-White (TV G) Mu sic PBS 21 Vi sions of It aly (TV G) Pasquale Esposito (TV G) Mas ter piece (TVPG) Il Volo UNI 41 Dice el dicho: 1. González González Lánzate! (TV14) Nosotros Nosotros Recuerda TEL 47 SOS: Salva (N) Siempre niños Clash of the Ti tans (2010) ‘PG-13’ Sunday Daytime January 22, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 TBA Sports (Taped) Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) McCarver Paid NBC 4 Cham pion NHL Hockey: New York vs De troit (Live) USSA Ski Fig ure Skat ing FOX 5 NFL Chase Kick off (Live) NFL Sunday NFL Play offs (Live) ABC 7 Here and Now Rock Park Out back TBA Big Fan Big Fan Big Fan Big Fan MNT 9 NJNow Paid Paid Pro gram EAT WELL! Paid The X-Files Bones (TV14) CW 11 On Spot An i mal Paid Coun try! Sur ro gates aac (2009) ‘PG-13’ Man Stand. Man Stand. PBS 13 NYC Arts My Mu sic: This Land. Greco Pati’ Real Food Meals Cook ing Kitchen PBS 21 Col lins Ste ven Masley, (TV G) My Mu sic: Disco Ex plo sion. (TV G) My Mu sic (TV G) UNI 41 Fútbol (Directo) Fútbol Liga MX: Chiapas vs Toluca República dep. El juego TEL 47 Fútbol Inglat. (Directo) Enfoque (N) The Next Three Days aaa (2010) ‘PG-13’ Tuesday Evening January 24, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) NCIS: Keep Go ing. (TV14) (N) Bull: Stock holm. (TV14) (N) NCIS: New Or leans (TV14) (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) The Wall: Eb ony Deanna. (N) This Is Us: Three Sen tences. (N) Chi cago Fire: Who Lives Dies. (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily New Girl (N) The Mick (N) Bones: Price for Past. (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) The Mid dle House - wife Fresh Off O’Neals Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang The X-Files: Talitha Cumi. (TV14) The X-Files: Her ren volk. (TV14) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Flash: Bor row ing. (TVPG) (N) DC’s Leg ends of To mor row (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Amer i can Ex pe ri ence: Ra chel Car son. Ra chel Car son. (TVPG) (N) Frontline: Trump’s Road. (N) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus NYC Arts (N) The Doc tor Blake Mys ter ies Fa ther Brown: Rod Asclepius. The Bletchley Cir cle (TV14) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Amo despertar contigo Vino el amor Sueño americano. El color de la pasión Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Wednesday Evening January 25, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Hunted: Get Stiches. One team has gone off the grid. (TVPG) (N) Code Black: Ver tigo. (TV14) (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Blindspot Tat tooed woman. (TV14) Law & Or der: SVU: Im pos ter. Chi cago P.D.: 300,000 Likes. News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Le thal Weapon: Seal Bro ken. (N) Star: New Voices. New im age. (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Goldbergs Speech - less Mod Fam ily (:31) black-ish Match Game Fill in blanks. (TV14) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Ar row: Who Are You?. (TV14) (N) Fre quency: Sig nal Kiss. (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Na ture Sci ence & peo ple. (TVPG) NOVA: Sunken Ship. (TVPG) Alz hei mer’s: Ev ery Min ute (N) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Re port (TV G) Mas ter piece: Downton Ab bey. So cial rev o lu tions. As Time East- End ers East- End ers Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Amo despertar contigo Vino el amor Sueño americano. El color de la pasión Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Thursday Evening January 26, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Big Bang (:31) In - doors Mom (TV14) Life in Pieces Pure Ge nius: Lift Me Up. (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Super - store Super - store Chi cago Med: Soul Care. (TV14) The Black list Fu gi tive helps. News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Hell’s Kitchen: Te quila Shots?. (N) (:01) My Kitchen Rules (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Grey’s Anat omy (TV14) (N) (:01) Scan dal: Sur vival of the. (N) How to Get Away with Mur der (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Bones: Bone That Blew. (TV14) Bones: Dou ble Trou ble. (TV14) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Su per nat u ral: First Blood. (N) Riverdale: River’s Edge. (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) NYC Arts (N) Metro- Fo cus Rhythm and Blues 40: A Soul Spec tac u lar (TV G) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus WLIW (TV G) Trea sures (N) Win dow Na ture: A Sloth. (TVPG) NOVA: Sunken Ship. (TVPG) Metro- Fo cus News (TVPG) UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Amo despertar contigo Vino el amor Sueño americano. El color de la pasión Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES

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