Kosciuszko Bridge will be lit pink in October
The new Kosciuszko
Bridge will be bathed
in pink light to commemorate
Breast Cancer
Awareness Month, Governor
Andrew Cuomo
announced Tuesday.
One World Trade Center,
the George Washington
Bridge, the Alfred E.
Smith Building and other
landmarks will also be lit
pink after Cuomo issued a
proclamation noting that
breast cancer is the most
commonly diagnosed cancer
and the second leading
cause of death among
women in New York state.
“Raising awareness
about early detection and
preventive services is our
biggest weapon against
breast cancer,” Cuomo
said. “We will continue
to make it a priority and
make it easier for every
woman in New York to be
Each year, nearly
16,000 women in New York
are newly diagnosed with
breast cancer and approximately
2,500 die from
the disease. In New York,
women getting screened
for breast cancer has increased
from 80.3 percent
in 2017 to 82.1 percent in
2018, according to the Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance
“This screening estimate
is the highest we’ve
seen in many years and
we hope to see this upward
trend continue,”
New York State Health
Commissioner Dr. Howard
Zucker said. “Our incredibly
breast cancer screening
programs and robust educational
initiatives in
New York state are key
factors in helping more
women get access to necessary
screening to promote
early detection.”
New York state can attribute
increased screening
rates to multiple
initiatives designed to
improve access to breast
cancer screening and
preventative health care
services. Through New
York’s Cancer Services
Program, women can access
screening information
and services from
peer outreach and education
programs, a patient
navigation program, and
a mobile mammography
program currently serving
40 counties.
We are continuing our
efforts to promote breast
cancer screenings statewide
and building on our
investments to help New
Yorkers access the health
care they need,” Lieutenant
Governor Kathy
Hochul said. “During
Breast Cancer Awareness
Month, we are speaking
out about the importance
of getting screened and
the life-saving services
available across the state.
We want to make sure that
mammograms and cancer
screenings are available
for all New Yorkers to
help save lives.”
All New Yorkers are encouraged
to join in related
activities during this
monthlong observance
to help raise support and
awareness. Breast cancer
screening is covered by
most health plans, including
Medicaid and health
plans participating in the
New York State of Health.
The NYSDOH’s Cancer
Services Program (CSP)
offers screening to eligible
uninsured men and
women in every county
and borough in NYS. To
find a CSP near you, call
866-442-CANCER (2262)
or visit health.ny.gov/diseases/
Reach reporter Bill Parry
by e-mail at bparry@
schnepsmedia.com or by
phone at (718) 260–4538.
The Kosciuszko Bridge and other landmarks across the city will be lit pink in honor of Breast
Cancer Awareness Month. Courtesy of Governor’s office
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