Miller, Carranza tour successful St. Albans school
Queens councilman and schools chancellor make a year-end visit to P.S. 360 and tout progress
City Councilman I. Daneek Miller tours P.S. 360 in St. Albans with Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza.
Courtesy of Miller’s office
at the Department of
Education in recruiting
the best talent, such as the
faculty at P.S. 360, whose
cultural and academic
competence gives our
children a genuine
opportunity to receive
the education they have
long deserved.”
Launched in 2015, the
four year school prides
itself on its ability to
meet the needs of all its
students “academically,
socially, and
emotionally.” and enjoys
overall positive ratings in
recently published DOE
surveys for both students
and teacher attendance
as well as rigorous
instruction for its Early
Childhood Education and
Celebrate With Us!
for US
Calling P.S. 360 in
St. Albans a flourishing
school, City Councilman
I. Daneek Miller and
Schools Chancellor
Richard Carranza paid
a year-end visit to the
students, teachers,
administrators and staff
that make up the learning
community at the school.
P.S. 360 currently
serves more than 150
students both Pre-K and
Kindergarten through
Grade 3, 95 percent of
whom are black, and
employs a bilingual
teacher corps that is
motivated by the goal
of enabling its pupils to
speak conversational
Spanish by the time
they graduate.
“Our community is
immensely supportive of
the work being performed
by the Chancellor’s team
Pre-K programs.
P.S. 360 achieved a
milestone in its young
history this past spring
when every student in
the school’s inaugural
third grade class passed
Day One of both the
State Mathematics
and English Language
Arts examinations.
“As the 2018-19 school
year comes to a close,
we are grateful to our
teachers and staff who
are raising the bar and
improving outcomes
for our students, and
to the families and
community members in
Southeast Queens who
are working hand-inhand
with us to advance
equity and excellence
for every student,”
Carranza said.
Reach reporter Bill
Parry by email at bparry@
schnepsmedia.com or by
phone at (718) 260–4538.
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