Townsend Harris named state’s top high school
percent ranking in reading proficiency.
Visit the U.S. News & World Report
website, usnews.com/education/best-highschools/
rankings-overview to learn more
about the 2019 rankings.
Reach reporter Emily Davenport
by email at edavenport@qns.com or
by phone at (718) 224-5863 ext. 236.
Continued from Page 1
213th Street and 48th
Avenue | 2019 Honda
• Saturday, June 15
from 12:15-12:35 p.m. |
211th Street and 43rd
Avenue | 2018 Acura
• Monday, June 17
from 4:25-6:15 a.m.
| 64th Avenue and
Marathon Parkway |
2018 Honda Civic
• Monday, June 17
from 7-8 a.m. | 70th
Avenue and Douglaston
Parkway | 2019 Honda
• Monday, June 17
from 7-9 a.m. | 255th
Street and 60th Avenue
| 2019 Honda Accord
Cops also warned
that Toyotas and
Nissans are often
targets of tire and rim
thef t.
The precinct
provided a list of
crime prevention tips
to prevent car owners
from future incidents.
Lugnut locks must
be uti lized. You can use
a lock on every lugnut
as this wil l make the
thieves take a longer
time to remove the r im
and tire.
Be sure not to leave
wheel lock keys in
glove box or spare
tire compartment.
Thieves can break into
the car and retrieve
them there.
Activate any alarms
you may have. Alarms
equipped with a tilt
sensor go of f if the
vehicle is moved.
Many of these thef ts
occur in the middle
of the night, so pay
attention to suspicious
people or vehicles on
your block. Thieves
usual ly work in teams
and might be uti lizing
more than one car.
Video cameras in
the front of your home
serve as a deterrent .
Always try and
leave your car parked
in an area where there
is plenty of lighting.
A wel l-lit street or
parking area is a very
good deterrent .
I f you have a garage,
uti l ize it .
Turn your wheels
when parking.
This wi l l make
it more di f ficult to
remove the wheels. A
locked steering column
makes it di f f icult for
the thieves to turn the
wheels forward again.
The community’s
involvement is
essential in catching a
thief, so i f you see any
suspicious activity
cal l 911.
You may remain
anonymous when
cal ling.
For more
information on the
latest thefts, visit
the 111th Precinct on
Twit ter and Facebook.
Reach reporter
Jenna Bagcal by email
at jbagcal@qns.com or
by phone at (718) 224-
5863 ext. 214.
Continued from Page 1
Report a crime
in progress by
dialing 911.