Surgeons perform an estimated 300,000
to 400,000 back surgeries every year.
Annually, neurosurgeons perform at least
100,000 operations for lumbar disc disease
alone, and orthopedic surgeons perform
a similar number. It is estimated that
between 20% and 40% of these operations
are unsuccessful.
That is why doctors from all over the
country are racing to acquire and get
trained to operate the DRX9000TM, an FDA
approved device that is saving thousands
of Americans suffering from chronic back
pain from going under the knife.
Dr. Melinda Keller, who treats serious
back pain without surgery explains how
the DRX9000TM works... “Over 10 years
ago, NASA began to notice an unexpected
result of space travel: Astronauts that left
with back pain would come back without
it. After investigated this now phenomenon
here’s what they found: During the antigravity
state of the mission there were
decompressive forces on the intervertebral
discs and back pain was relieved. How?
When you travel through space, the effects
of gravity are removed and you are in a
weightless state. All the pressure is taken
off your spine and discs. Even better —
and this is the key — a negative pressure
is created. This negative pressure actually
sucks the herniated material back into the
disc and allows it to heal. Thanks to the
DRX9000TM, disc herniation sufferers finally
have a non-surgical solution.”
The main conditions the DRX9000TM has
documented success with are back pain,
sciatica, herniated and/or bulging discs
(single or multiple), degenerative disc disease,
facet syndromes and a relapse or
failure following back surgery.
Anyone wishing to learn more about this
new FDA approved solution to back pain
or to set up an appointment for a free consultation
call Dr. Keller’s office at 718 234-
6212 or visit Brooklyn Spine Center,
5911 16th Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11204.
Local doctor treats herniated
and bulging discs, sciatica, and
serious lower back pain