Here’s how you can ace
your next dance audition
For many performers in the dance
industry, the word audition can bring
feelings of excitement, clarity and a world
of opportunity. For others, it can bring
feelings of anxiousness, confusion and
unnecessary tension.
Like it or not, dance auditions are a
way of life as a performer. But unfortunately,
many dancers are NOT prepared
for the moment that could potentially
change their income, their way of life,
and their happiness and passion toward
their craft .
If you’re heading to a dance audition
soon, use these four tips to ace your next
audition, and gain an unfair advantage
over the others in the room:
Not Prepared: Dancers who didn’t
do their research, arrive with no headshot,
no resume or bio, stayed up too
late, lines aren’t memorized, forgot their
prop, didn’t study or train, brought wrong
dance shoes, etc. All above reasons are
unacceptable. Be thoroughly prepared!
Not at the Right Ability: Don’t kid
yourself if you haven’t danced in years, it’s
been even longer since you’ve stretched,
but you expect to get hired? Next please.
Step your game up and show that you take
yourself seriously.
Not Dressed Appropriately: When you
arrive to the audition, make sure you look
the part and act the part. Make a positive
impression! Show up, act and look as if
you are already hired. And a smile won’t
hurt either.
Talking Too Much: Here’s the most
important suggestion: Don’t waste people’s
time, don’t make excuses to your
auditioning panel, and don’t be defensive.
Do take corrections and be open to
direction. Be humble, be approachable,
be interested in the free feedback, because
these tips will get you closer to landing the
job next time!
Remember, you are there to get a job.
Wouldn’t it make sense to put your best
foot forward?
Yes, you always want to encourage others.
Show the panel you are one they want
to work with, and you’re supportive of
your peers. But don’t forget: the more prepared
you are, the better the outcome.
Shawn Byfi eld (www.ShawnByfi eld.
com) is an award winning choreographer,
show director and a leading expert in
dance lessons and industry advice.