Looking at the ‘men’ in mental health
Four things men can do to support their mental wellness
One in fi ve U.S. adults struggles with
mental illness, according to the National
Institute of Mental Health. However,
while mental illness impacts both men
and women, men are less likely to seek
treatment and fi nd solutions.
“From depression and anxiety to substance
abuse and suicidal ideation, there
are an excess of mental health conditions
that adolescent and adult men experience,”
says Dr. Bruce Kehr, author,
award-winning psychiatrist and founder
of Potomac Psychiatry. “More people
are talking about the importance of mental
health, but a stigma remains, especially
among men who think they should ignore
their feelings or simply tough it out.”
Th e self-stigma felt by men who struggle
with their mental health creates selfdoubt,
shame and isolation. “For those
men who experience relentless emotional
pain, it’s important to remember you’re
not alone.” Kehr off ers four steps men can
take to improve their mental health:
Exercise regularly
Moving your body isn’t just good for
your physical health, it supports your
mental well-being as well. Aerobic activities
like running, boxing and swimming
can help relieve stress and get
blood pumping throughout the body.
Activities like yoga, walking and stretching
are typically calmer, but also have
the ability to destress and support mental
Th e great thing about exercise is you
can do whatever you prefer. Whether you
decide to dive into one type of exercise
and grow your skills, or prefer to switch it
up based on your mood, any daily exercise
has a positive impact on mental health.
Explore genetics
Each person has a specifi c set of genes
that can provide doctors with key insight
into how your body and mind work. Your
individual genes also have a major infl uence
on the way you may react to certain
medications. Since your genes never
change, this information can help elevate
your approach to health throughout your
entire life. Th is is particularly useful for
mental health and reducing trial and error
with medications and supplements.
For instance, Genomind(R) Professional
PGx(TM) is a cheek-swab genetic test that
gives you and your mental health provider
access to your unique genetic profi le. It
comes with a report that provides insights
on how you may react to and metabolize
certain medications used in mental
health treatment, or even respond to
supplements. Many fi nd that the “numbers
and science” in their genetics report
help remove the stigma that oft en comes
along with mental heath treatment. Ask
your doctor or nurse practitioner about
Professional PGx and learn more at www.
Digitize your therapy
Many men assume going to therapy
means admitting defeat. Mental illness
is not typically something you can tackle
on your own. Whether it’s to help get
through a diffi cult time (such as a sick
parent, relationship problems or career
issues) or to tackle more extensive ongoing
mental illness, a professional has the
expertise to make a big diff erence.
Working with a therapist traditionally
happens in person at their offi ce.
However, technology has opened new
options for men who may prefer an alternative
approach. Telehealth is a growing
option at many clinics, off ering the opportunity
to meet with a mental health professional
via a video chat or phone call.
Digital therapy is another option for people
who like to email, IM or text.
Spend time outdoors
Many people are naturally drawn to the
outdoors, so it’s good news that being in
Mother Nature has many benefi ts. Just
breathing in the fresh air can help reduce
stress, increase oxygen levels, clear your
mind and help you relax. Try to make
time to be outdoors as regularly as possible,
either alone or with a friend or partner
. Whether it’s sitting and bird watching
from a small green space in your yard or
extensively hiking a national park - or anything
in between - outdoor time supports
mental health. Even a simple 20-minute
walk around your neighborhood can have
a positive impact. Connecting with nature
can nourish your spirit, too.
“It’s time to break the stigma and let
men know that it’s OK to not feel OK,”
says Kehr. “I hope that these ideas can
help you take the fi rst steps in feeling your
best and support your mental health.”