My friends and colleagues laugh
when I tell them I’ve turned from a
Boomer into a Zoomer, but life will
never be the same for any of us.
For my business life Zoom sessions have
become essential, but there’s another powerful
tool my team at work has been using:
inspirational quotes.
Investors Bank has an employee whose
sole purpose is to keep employees’ morale
high. One of the things he does is sending
out “Morning Juice” — daily inspirational
quotes. We are doing this on Zoom.
We begin all our sales meetings in the
morning at 9:30 with an inspirational
quote and then close our 4:30 p.m.
meetings with another inspiring thought.
There’s a lot of wisdom to take away from
these words of wisdom, and I thought it
would be a good week to share some of
my favorites.
tweet me @vschneps
Inspiring words during diffi cult times
Words of wisdom
The recent Black Lives Matter protests have been seen
around the world and could fi nally lead to the change
we need.
“The essence of America – that
which really unites us – is not
ethnicity, or nationality, or
religion. It is an idea – and what
an idea it is; that you can come
from humble circumstances and
do great things. That it doesn’t
matter where you came from,
but where you are going.” —
Condoleezza Rice
Together we stand
The Black Lives Matter movement has had
a profound impact on everyone; maybe
this is the time in our great country that
fi nally we “get it” and understand that people
are people, no matter their color, race or ethnicity.
We all want to love and be loved, to provide
for our families and have a roof over our
I was stunned to learn that when one of my
colleagues, who is Black, was waiting for the
elevator in her lobby in Forest Hills, she was
approached by a white woman who asked “are
you the maid for the man on the fourth fl oor?”
When she shared the story with me, my
heart broke. She went on to say that was only
a minor indignity she had lived through, and
that brought tears to my eyes.
Another Black friend said “Vicki, if I began to
tell you the experiences of prejudice I’ve lived
through, it would only hurt my heart more!”
How do we change that? As a writer, I’m
hoping that sharing the life stories of people
of color opens eyes the same way they opened
mine and helps bring about a new sensitivity.
We are in a historic time; a time when we can
truly make a diff erence.
Oscar Hammerstein said it best in South
Pacifi c: “Children can be carefully taught to
love and to hate.”
Will we succeed? It’s up to you and me.
“Respect science,
respect nature,
respect each
other.” — Joe Biden
“Every new day is an
invitation to share
your light with the
world.” — Oprah Winfrey
“The only thing we
have to fear is fear
itself.” — Franklin D.
“From every
mountainside, let
freedom ring.” —
Martin Luther King, Jr.
“The rumors
of my death
are greatly
— Mark Twain
We use this quote
oft en when people tell
us they think print
newspapers are dead.