My dad left me when
he was 86 years old
and I felt cheated — I
wanted more of him.
My dad was a quiet man who,
with a look, could make me
shudder and change my behavior.
But mostly it was his quiet
strength and support that I think
helped make me who I am.
My dad was born in New York
to a family who cherished education
but had little more than
the bare necessities. His brother
and cousins Arthur Kornberg
(who went on to win the Nobel
Prize in Medicine) and Martin
all began their college education
at a CUNY school that was totally
free. But to pay his expenses,
he got a job at another cousin’s
menswear (haberdashery) store.
Upon graduating, he stayed
in town and ultimately started
his own business, which would
remain open for 50 years at 411
Fulton St. (now the home to
Shake Shack). He worked six
days a week to provide my
brother and I with great education
and a comfortable lifestyle.
Although he made a nice living,
he never forgot the depression
and days of no money. I’d
laugh when he’d say “shut the
light when you leave the room,”
but I do the same with my children
today. When a paper napkin
A tribute
to my dad
wasn’t used at a meal he
said, “Save that for tomorrow.” I
believe that expression lingers in
my mind to this day!
I remember vividly how he
would sit in his chair in the living
room in the evening aft er my
mom had made dinner for us
and read the New York Post and
Th e New York Times.
During the week, his night out
was going to art school. My dad
had a hobby of oil painting and
it became his passion and avocation.
Lucky me — I still have
his art around me today at home
and in my offi ce.
My dad wasn’t a “throw the
football” kind of dad, and when
he retired aft er 50 years in business,
he and mom made a beautiful
second life together.
My brother and I laughed
about how my mom treated
dad like a king, always catering
to his every need. He never
cooked or shopped or did any
domestic chores.
But I watched him take a
360-degree turnaround when
my mom got ill and could no
longer take care of herself or the
house. My dad took total charge
and met my mom’s every need.
His strength of character will
always be so special to me.
He was mostly a loner, never
having joined groups or causes,
and was just happy to be with
his family, brother and cousins
on his rare days off . He had
strong values and taught me the
power and importance of family
and hard work.
When he retired and mom
was ill, I helped him navigate
her healthcare needs toward the
end of her life. I remember one
time we were in the car going
to a doctor’s appointment I had
helped arrange and he turned to
me and said, “I like how strong
you are. I’m so proud of you!”
Th ose were the most powerful
words he said to me in his lifetime.
I always felt his love and
pride, but it was so sweet to hear.
My dad was a good man and I
will always cherish his quiet dignity
and devotion to our family.
I miss him every day, but I feel
he’s still with me.
tweet me @vschneps
Vote for Carolyn
Congresswoman Carolyn
Maloney works tirelessly
to serve three boroughs
in an extraordinary way.
As they say in the vernacular,
she’s “brought home the bacon”
to her district in Brooklyn,
which encompasses Greenpoint
and Williamsburg; she has
“brought home the bacon” for
her Queens districts in Astoria
and Long Island City; and she
has “brought home the bacon”
for her districts on the Upper
East Side of Manhattan.
I’m proud to endorse her for
reelection to another term in
She’s been an incredible advocate
for her communities and
brought in more than $10.7 billion
in funds for jobs, infrastructure
projects and quality
of-life concerns.
She serves in the powerful
position as chairwoman of the
United States House Committee
on Oversight and Reform,
which is a critical place to be in
today’s world. She’s also a member
of the Select Subcommittee
on the Coronavirus Crisis.
Not surprisingly, she was
rated the No. 1 leader in
Congress due to her outstanding
track record.
She has fought tirelessly to
keep services at the Manhattan
VA hospitals. Understanding
the power of a great education
having been a teacher herself,
she led the task force to establish
the Eleanor Roosevelt and
P.S. 151 schools.
Her advocacy for the Second
Avenue Subway line helped to
secure $1.3 billion in federal
funding. She has championed
equal rights, building eff orts for
a strong economy and expanding
healthcare while safeguarding
clean air and water issues.
Her list of accomplishments can
go on and on.
It’s important to reelect someone
like Carolyn, a proven champion
of the communities she
serves. I’m proud to call her my
friend and a true public servant.
Make sure you make your
voice heard and cast your vote,
either in person or via absentee
My dad Martin Adler.
Carolyn Maloney deserves our votes.