June 23 ★ You Can Vote Safely From Home in
the Democratic Primary for Congress
Everyone Will Receive an Application to Vote By Mail at Their Home
★ Secured millions of new funds to combat the impact
of COVID-19, including increased testing, personal
protective equipment to front line workers and
health care professionals, aid to individuals, small
businesses and hospitals
★ Fighting to expand access and make healthcare
more affordable, lower prescription drugs and
provide long term care
★ Fighting for New York and New York City to deliver
federal aid to the hardest hit areas and repeal the
unfair cap on salt and local tax (SALT) deductions
★ Strong advocate for common sense gun violence
prevention laws including universal background
checks and red flag laws
★ Opposed MTA cuts to Queens bus lines, which
would further limit pubic transit options in
Northeast Queens
★ Fought FAA to reroute helicopters along
the water providing relief providing relief to
residents of Northeast Queens
When your
APPLICATION to vote by
mail arrives, ll it out and REMEMBER
to check “temporary illness.”
Don’t forget to sign the application
before mailing it in the postage-paid
envelope no later than June 16th.
Next you will receive the Ballot
in the mail. Please ll it out.
Remember to sign the smaller envelope before
inserting it in the larger postage-paid envelope.
You must mail your ballot by June 22nd.
Congressman Suozzi distributes food in Little Neck.
The Democrat Fighting For Queens
Vote Suozzi ★ Tuesday, June 23