PBA endorses pair of Queens City Council candidates
Surrounded by their supporters on the
steps of the Flushing Post Offi ce on Main
Street, City Council candidates Dao Yin
and Neng Wang received the endorsement
of the NYC Police Benevolent
Association (PBA) on April 21.
Dao Yin and Neng Wang — both are
running for the seat in the 20th District
in the June 22 primary election replacing
term-limited Councilman Peter Koo
— are the only City Council candidates
to receive an endorsement from the
Th e NYC PBA’s First Vice President
John Puglisi explained the organization
endorsed Yin and Wang because they are
the only candidates who put the safety
of their neighborhood and community
fi rst and who have shown their commitment
to working with the NYPD instead
of defunding the department.
Referring to the increase in bias attacks
against the Asian American community
and the rise in crime in the district,
Puglisi said that everyone who cares
about safe streets needs to be working
together and that the city needed leaders
who work with the NYPD instead of
defunding it.
“Whether we have a shield in our
pocket or run for offi ce, we need to work
together. We need the help of the City
Council. We cannot have city leaders
talking about defunding the police. Th at
does not work. Th at does not keep the
citizens of this neighborhood safe. We
need City Council members who understand
that and who are willing to work
together with the police in order to protect
the citizens of this neighborhood,”
Puglisi said.
Yin and Wang conveyed their gratitude
to the NYC PBA for the endorsement.
Wang, who worked for the Chinese-
American Planning Council for 33 years
— 30 of those as director of the Nan
Shan senior center of the CPC — said
that he was honored to receive the PBA
endorsement. He expressed his concern
about the rise in anti-Asian American
hate crimes, especially against seniors.
“If elected to the City Council, I will
make public safety my priority, which
includes restoring the NYPD budget,
which is a necessary resource to maintain
public safety within Flushing and
across New York City,” Neng Wang
Dao Yin, who ran for Queens borough
president in 2020, proclaimed his support
for the NYPD. He commended New
York City’s police force for keeping the
rallies he attended as a community activist
safe and peaceful.
“More than ever, we need to support
the NYPD. I believe Mr. Neng Wang and
I can create a better relationship between
the police and the community. We are
building Flushing a better place for living,
for work, for the people’s quality of
life,” Dao Yin said.
Dao Yin’s as well Neng Weng’s supporters
shared how important it was
to have candidates in the race for City
Council who promised to work with the
NYPD should one of them get elected.
Read more on PoliticsNY.com.
Bill ensuring COVID-19 safety in the workplace passes in Albany
Th e state Senate approved the New York
HERO Act that will mandate enforceable
safety standards in the workplace during
the COVID-19 crisis. Now, state Senator
Michel Gianaris, the bill’s author, is calling
on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to sign the measure
into law when it lands on his desk.
“Too many workers have already sacrifi
ced their health for our community’s
benefi t,” Gianaris said. “Th e New York
HERO Act honors their eff orts by giving
workers the tools to protect themselves
while on the job. I appreciate the support
for this proposal from my colleagues in
both houses and so many organizations
throughout New York.”
Supported by more than 100 labor, community
and safety organizations including
the AFL-CIO, the legislation would
require the Departments of Labor and
Health to implement enforceable minimum
standards for workplace safety. Th e
regulations must include protocols on testing,
PPE, social distancing, hand hygiene,
disinfection and engineering controls.
“Th e Legislature is once again taking
action to protect workers. Th e New York
HERO Act codifi es the way workers want
to feel protected, requiring businesses to
have enforceable safety standards,” said
state Senator Jessica Ramos, the chair of
the Labor Committee. “Th roughout this
pandemic, workers across our state have
had to put their lives and the lives of their
families at risk to keep New York running.
It’s our turn to take care of them.”
Under the legislation, workers would also
be given a direct role in monitoring and
reporting violations through workplace
health and safety committees and employees
would be protected from retaliation for
utilizing their rights under the law.
“As a nurse, I know how hard this last year
has been for those working on the front
lines of the pandemic — worried about
their health, the health of those around
them and whether their work environment
was a safe one,” said Assemblywoman
Karines Reyes, who carried the bill in the
lower chamber. “We need to ensure that
corporations, who have made billions during
this pandemic, provide adequate protections
to their employees and frontline
workers. Th is legislation will save lives and
protect those that are on the front lines of
this public health crisis.”
Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, president of
the New York State Nurses Association,
said the measure will make New York
among the fi rst states to enact a strong
infectious airborne disease standard,
along with enforceable labor regulations
and health and safety protocols to protect
all workers.
“It’s the least New York can do for essential
workers, who sacrifi ced much during
the COVID-19 pandemic to keep the state
running,” Sheridan-Gonzalez said. “Th e
42,000 members of the New York State
Nurses Association applaud the many
labor and community allies, as well as
the leaders, and sponsors and advocates,
within both the Assembly and the Senate,
for their commitment and work to get this
done. We look forward to this bill being
signed into law and to the day when no
worker has to choose between life and
Photo by Gabriele Holtermann
City Council candidates Dao Yin and Neng Wang with their supporters and NYC PBA reps.
Courtesy of Gianaris’ offi ce
State Senator Michael Gianaris announced his NY HERO Act has passed in Albany.