New online talk show ‘Tawkin’ features two Queens from Queens
Th e fabulous Mae West once declared
that personality is the most important
thing to an actress’s or actor’s success.
QNS caught up with two brimmingwith
personality performers from Queens
who have been eagerly awaiting the debut
of their weekly online talk show “Tawkin’
with the Roses,” premiering Feb. 10.
Th e talented co-hosts – veteran actress
Bonnie Rose (“Most Likely to Murder,”
“Mr. Robot,” “Th e Marvelous Mrs.
Maisel”) and cabaret performer Stephen
S. Miller (aka “Mama Rose,” who previously
hosted “Th e Mama Rose Show”
and has performed in New York and
London) – are delighted to announce
their exciting new collaboration, which
was created to inspire, uplift and entertain
audiences. Th e show will feature
today’s most fabulous guests in the entertainment
Episodes will be available online starting
Wednesday, Feb. 10, on Stephen S. Miller’s
website and on YouTube, as well as shared
across social media, including Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter. Viewers should
stay tuned for upcoming announcements
on guests coming to the show.
Bonnie Rose, a Kew Gardens resident,
told QNS she was very excited about the
lineup and diversity of their guests.
“From a prima ballerina to a veteran
actress, and so much more, the pace
of this interview show is fun and indepth,
and very specifi c to each guest,”
Rose said.
And the star-studded off ering comes
at a good time; it promises to be a
wonderful distraction as well as a
much-needed anxiety-reducer.
Apparently, this was a great
opportunity for the bubbly, outgoing
Rose, who said, “I love to
“I am dating myself, but back in
the day, I loved Rona Barrett and
Th e Barbra Walters Specials,” she
added. “I always was so fascinated
listening to how people in the entertainment
business got started and what
they are up to. And Stephen and I both
love this.”
Th e duo had brainstormed with the
show’s director, Brian Geldin, about the
“We worked together on Festival of
Cinema NYC, doing virtual interviews
last fall, as well. I think we did 21 interviews
in two weeks, so we knew we
had chemistry to do this show,” Rose
It’s a match made in heaven!
Talking about what she fi nds endearing
about her co-host, Rose shared, “Stephen
S. Miller has such an incredible zest for life
and an uplift ing spirit; a wonderful sense
of humor and dedication. And Stephen
looks great in sequins! He’s sequin-fi lled.”
The seasoned actress, who has
Photo courtesy of Miller-Geldin Productions
done the trifecta of all the “Law and
Orders” and numerous roles on many
other TV shows, including “Th ird Watch,”
“Th e Sopranos” and “Gravity,” said she
loves her craft and feels grateful that she
gets to do what she’s passionate about.
Miller, who lives in Forest Hills, also
weighed in about their new endeavor.
“Th e team and I had a desire to showcase
our talents. We are excited about
the show because we will be bringing to
the screen, interviews with various people
of the entertainment industry – with a
look at their history and what our guests
have planned for the future, and advice
and stories that we can live by,” Miller
told QNS.
“From the moment that Bonnie Rose
and I met back in 2019, we have been
inseparable. We have been working
together during the pandemic,
and our dear friendship and
working relationship has brought
us together for ‘Tawkin’ with the
Roses,’ for the love of the arts
and sharing new and exciting
adventures together and with our
guests. We are also very thankful
to our talented director for his dedication
to the friendship.”
Miller said the most endearing thing
about his co-host is “her dedication to
all things fabulous, from leopard print to
perfect fashion and talent … but also, her
ability to love with compassion and be
loved in return. She is my heart, she is my
light, she is the reason that I feel as fabulous
as I do each day.”
“Tawkin’ with the Roses,” is a reincarnation
of a show that Geldin and Miller
created last year at the start of the pandemic,
titled “Th e Mama Rose Show.”
And Bonnie Rose was the very fi rst guest.
Miller also noted that Geldin was his fi ancé
and soon to be husband. Th e two will
be married in May.
“With ‘Tawkin’ with the Roses,’ we will
be taking the show up several notches to
create a work of art,” Miller said, adding,
“Two Queens from Queens, fi lled with
glitz, glam and plenty of sequins!”
Snow day for kids at St. Mary’s in Bayside!
It was quite the snow day at St. Mary’s Children
Hospital in Bayside! While some St. Mary’s kids were able
to go outside and play in the snow, many were unable
to do so. But the hospital staff made things special and
brought some of the snow to them!