Drugs for dogs!
New Slope CBD vendor offers whole line of pooch products
That’s some good shih tzu!
Park Slope’s newest CBD
retailer carries hemp-derived
products tailor-made for man’s
best friend — offering a natural
way for nervous pups to wind
down after a long day at the
park, the store’s owner says.
“They can benefi t from the
anti-infl ammatory properties
of CBD and also from the neuro
protective calming products
of CBD,” said Dominique Pastorello.
Your CBD Store, which
opened this week on Fifth Avenue
near Union Street offers
several fi do-oriented products,
including dog treats and bacon
and peanut butter fl avored
tincture oils.
Pastorello says she’s already
had a number of fuzzy customers
patronize her pet-friendly
store, which sells remedies for
ailments including joint and
muscle pain, seizures, and separation
“We love meeting everybody’s
animals,” Pastorello
COURIER L 6 IFE, DEC. 13-19, 2019
said. “The best thing about
Park Slope is that everyone has
a cute dog.”
CBD, a derivative of hemp
that does not contain THC —
the ingredient in Marijuana
that gets users “high” — has
become massively popular in
recent years. Users sing the
praises of the hemp plant’s ability
to relieve stress and pain,
without any of the mind-altering
effects of Marijuana, including
paranoia, fatigue, and
There is however no scientifi
c evidence that cannabinoids
helps dogs — or humans
— and the Food and Drug Administration
is yet to approve
the substance for use in animals
or people.
Dogs are able to use CBD
because pooches, like all mammals,
have endocannabinoids
in their brain, meaning that
they react to cannabis products
essentially the same way
humans do.
CBD is offered in many
forms, including oils, beauty
products, and vape cartridges,
but pet products are among the
fastest-growing CBD products,
with sales expected to reach
$125 million by 2022.
Your CBD Store, a Florida
based chain with over 600 locations,
opened their Park Slope
location this month — the fi rst
in the fi ve boroughs. The store
offers higher quality CBD products
that have been tested by
third party labs to make sure
they’re safe for consumption.
DOWN BOY!: Tater can’t get
enough of these bacon CBD treats.
Photo Courtesy of Your CBD Store
Michael Ayoub and with his masterpiece, “Pizza,” which he’s selling for
a whopping $100,000. Photo by Caroline Ourso
Meet the $100,000 pizza
It’s the pizza de résistance!
The owner of a Greenpoint
pizzeria has cooked
up a cheesy homage to the
absurd banana duct-tapedto
a-wall “art” that sold for
$120,000 in Miami last week,
and hopes his own food-inspired
piece will fetch a sixfi
gure price.
Fornino owner Michael
Ayoub duct-taped a margherita
pie to the wall of his Manhattan
Avenue shop entitled
“Pizza,” along with signage
advertising its sale for a meager
So far, he hasn’t gotten
any offers.
“I took a crack at it,” said
Ayoub. “I’m still waiting on
a buyer though. Cattelan got
four, I didn’t get any!”
Ayoub unveiled his masterpiece
on the pizzeria’s
Instagram page Monday as
a tribute to Italian artist
Maurizio Cattelan’s nowinfamous
piece “Comedian,”
which, simply put,
is a banana duct-taped to a
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