No MaTtEr WhAt CoMeS
We’Re BuIlT FoR ThIs
COURIER LIFE, MARCH 11-17, 2022 9
“Many people left the city over the past
two years. But for those that stayed and
isolated in our buildings, we took extra
care to make sure that they had
everything they needed. We helped
deliver food and packages, and
were sometimes their only human
contact. That level of attention
hasn’t changed – and won’t
change. Caring for them is what lets
me care for my son.”
No matter how life changes in our
city, every day 32BJ members like
Juan Carlos work hard and with
great care to keep the lives of
hundreds of thousands of New
York residents comfortable and
running. The contract covering
more than 32,000 porters,
doormen and superintendents
who, like Juan Carlos, care for
thousands of residential buildings
around the city expires April 20,
2022. Support Juan Carlos and all
working people struggling to live
and raise their families in New
York City by speaking to others
about this contract fight.
wWw.sEiU32bJ.oRg @32BjsEiU 212-388-3800