

PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA I hope everyone is enjoying the great summer weather that we are having and taking advantage of the pools, tennis courts and all of the recreational activities that Le Havre has to offer. This month I would like to focus on Elite Pool & Fitness Management, the company that the co-op retained to manage our recreational facilities which includes the swimming pools, tennis courts, clubhouse and gym. This is their second year of pool operations and I am pleased to report that they are a very professional group, with highly trained staff who are very attentive to the needs of our members. The feedback that I have received from our residents has been extremely positive. Nick Santo manages the facility and heads the team. He has taken a very proactive, hands-on approach and has greatly improved the operations of the club facilities. The Assistant Manager is Alanna Gallagher and she provides clubhouse management with the same professionalism. Nick is assisted by a team that man the clubhouse desk as follows; Ashley Samet, Kenneth Urbina, Natalie Solari and Grace D’Amico. These staff members are always courteous and extremely helpful to our members. The head lifeguard is Daniela Buzzetta and she is assisted by a staff of eleven (11) lifeguards and seven (7) gateguards alternating at various times depending on the schedule. During the summer period not too many incidents occur but I would like to make mention that, fairly recently, Daniela had an incident whereby she had to pull a child out of the water who had gotten into difficulty while swimming. Additionally, last week we received a clear pass from the Dept. of Health during one of their routine summer inspections. Just to sum up we are very pleased with the entire operations of the clubhouse and I suggest that everyone comes out and enjoys the facilities that the co-op has to offer. FINANCIAL: The 11 months ending May 31, 2015 (budgeted versus actual) A U G U S T 3 L E H A V R E showed revenues of $15,176,980 (93.57%) of the budgeted amount of $16,219,684 and total expenses of $13,595,142 (87.88%) of the budgeted amount of $15,470,138 as reported by our accountants You probably have read in my previous writings about the tax abatements and exemptions that the City of New York issues once a year to our shareholders. These credits are passed on to the shareholders in the form of credits against the shareholders’ maintenance bills. It is incumbent upon all shareholders to register with the City of New York for any credit that they may be entitled to such as STAR, coop abatement, veterans, disability etc (if they have not already done so / or are not already receiving these credits). Each shareholder is responsible to file their form directly with the City of New York. It cannot be done through Management but if you need the forms, Management can assist you with same. Most shareholders are already receiving these credits and in that case no action is needed at this time. Please note that the abatements / N E W S exemptions and any credits that you are entitled to for the 20I4/15 fiscal year will be credited against your September 2015 maintenance bills. In closing, as always, I would like to thank all residents for their continued support. Visit Us Online @ www.lhocorp.com We want to hear from you, LeHavre! Send us your ideas for the Courier; community events; vacation stories; resident profi les; and more! Email your ideas to Margaret at [email protected] WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | AUGUST 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3

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