J U L Y 3
I hope that everyone has
been enjoying the summer
and the amenities that Le
Havre has to offer. Both
pools are open every day for
your enjoyment and I hope that
residents are finding the time to
utilize them. Now that the Covid
restrictions have been eased somewhat, I hope people are
able to relax more and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
Budget & Finance Meeting:
Le Havre Owners Corp. held a virtual shareholders’
Budget & Finance meeting via the video conference site
“Go to Webinar” on Wednesday, June 23, to introduce
and explain the 2021/22 budget. Fifty shareholders were
in attendance and the panelists were comprised of the Le
Havre Board, General Manager Margaret Costello, attorney
Geoffrey Mazel and accountants Carl Cesarano and Aleem
Khan. Overall, the meeting was informative and a success.
The meeting was opened 7:30P.M and the panelists were
introduced. A review was given on the many accomplishments
that the Board has undertaken over the past several
years, mentioning that all of the projects (gas conversion,
LED lighting, seawall repair, hallway & lobby renovation,
replacement of various pieces of gym equipment, replacement
of pool pumps at both pools, playground refurbishment
and the ongoing cement work) were completed without any
additional assessment being given to the shareholders.
The shareholders were advised of future projects such
as elevators, roofs, resurfacing of the parking lots and the
waterproofing and painting of the building facades, which
need to be done in the coming years. Last but not least,
there is the unknown expense of bringing the buildings into
compliance as required by the NYC Carbons Emissions
Bill (Local Law 97) which comes into effect in 2024. The
shareholders were advised that there is a capital reserve
fund in place which will keep increasing with time and,
hopefully, this fund will be sufficient to cover the future
major capital improvements mentioned above without any
additional assessments. Shareholders were advised that the
extra money taken out at the time of refinancing has been
deposited into the major capital account.
PUBLISHER & EDITOR Victoria Schneps-Yunis
LeHavre Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd.
Bayside, NY 11361
718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Sales fax: 718-631-3498
e-mail: editorial@qns.com
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“We’re All About You”
The Welcome
The Le Havre Board of
Directors and management
would like to welcome
new shareholders to
the community. Below are
our most recent new residents.
We hope that all
of you settle in comfortably,
get to know your new
neighbors and enjoy living
here at Le Havre!
Allan & Maryanna Viera
Boguslaw & Krystyna
Olivia Adams
Joseph Romano
Jospeh P. Jannis
Isabel Rios
The 11 months ending May 31, 2021 (budgeted versus actual)
showed total revenues of $19,256,002 (100.50%) of the budgeted
amount of $19,168,137 and total expenses of $17,197,520
(90.0%) of the budgeted amount of $19,168,137 as reported by
our accountants. The positive variance is due to the overall savings
from the loan refinancing.
Cement Work:
The cement work under B#9 will be completed by mid-July
and work is tentatively scheduled to commence on B#15
immediately thereafter. B#31 will follow and should commence
during the first week of September.
Spectrum Bulk Package:
I hope by now that those of you interested in signing up for the
Spectrum bulk package has already done so and, perhaps, your
service is up and running at this time. Enjoy the many premium
channels that Spectrum has to offer and also enjoy the significant
savings monthly.
Once again, I would like to thank all residents for their continued
support and hope that you enjoy the remainder of the
summer season.