

L E H A V R E N E W S 3 J U L Y PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA Important Contact Information Listed are some phone important phone numbers that LeHavre residents should be aware of. LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | JULY 2014 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 Management Offi ce 718-767-7400 (8am-5pm) Maintenance Dept. [email protected] [email protected] 718-767-6200 (7am-4pm) LeClub 718-767-2277 Security 718-767-6200 (4pm-7am) 109th Precinct 718-321-2250 School Board #25 718-282-7600 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Thomas Affatato, Board Member [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Theodore Toledo, Board Member [email protected] Judith Densky, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Antoinette Oliva, Club Manager [email protected] General Maintenance Department Email [email protected] Megan Foggia, General Offi ce Email [email protected] I hope that everyone is enjoying the nice summer weather and especially the weekends. Hopefully, you have been able to take advantage of our two pools and tennis courts. FINANCIAL: For the 11 months through May 31, 2014 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues $14,614,499 (91.85%) of the budgeted amount and total expenses $13,620,396 (89.83%) of the budgeted amount. STAR /TAX ABATEMENTS Contrary to our prior notice, the 2013/14 STAR and co-op tax abatement credits will not commence distribution until September 2014 as the city has still not released the corrected schedules. GAS LOCK IN: We recently locked in the cost of our natural gas supply for the next two years @ 0.4780 per therm. It is difficult to give exact calculations but, based on prior usage, we expect to save about 40% over our previous years fuel oil cost. LAUNDRY MACHINES: The replacement washing machines and dryers are taking a bit longer than expected to get installed due to a delay in delivery. Right now we have a start date for the replacement process of 7/29/14 and the entire process should take approximately three weeks to complete. CEMENT WORK: In reference to the cement replacement project under the buildings that we have been speaking about recently, the first sample building (B#23) should be completed by the time you read this article. Perhaps, you can find the time to take a look at it. We believe the job was done with excellent workmanship. Hopefully, we will be able to continue this project based on our budget allocation. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer and once again thank you for your continued support. Stanley R. Greenberg Visit Us Online @ www.lhocorp.com PLEASE NOTE: The new opening time for the MANAGEMENT OFFICE is 9AM. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Website address is: www.lhocorp.com

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