PRESIDENT’S REPORT: 3 J U N E BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA By the time you read my article we will have passed the Memorial Day weekend which, as everyone knows, is the unofficial start of summer. Our pool will have been opened and, hopefully, with nice weather people can start enjoying our beautiful facility. Our tennis courts have been in operation for about a month or so and I know all of our tennis players appreciate them. FINANCIAL: I would like to address a question that I always get asked regarding the capital assessment which appears monthly on your carrying charge bill. Unfortunately, the assessment remains in place and will be charged for the foreseeable future. The reason for this is that there are many costly capital improvements that we have to make now and in the future. These funds are dedicated towards major capital improvements such as the replacement of the cement under the buildings, which is now in progress, and in the past we used these funds to convert all of our boilers to natural gas. One of the many projects coming up is an upgrade to the balcony railings to bring them up to New York City code. The 10 months ending April 30, 2015 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $13,728,784 (84.64%) of the budgeted amount of $16,219,684 and total expenses of $12,491,993 (80.75%) of the budgeted amount of $15,470,138 as reported by our accountants. ARTICLES FOR OUR COURIER: I was recently asked if we could increase the amount of articles in L E H A V R E the newsletter that you are currently reading. We would appreciate it very much if shareholders would share with us, in this paper, their life’s experiences, i.e. community events, vacations, happy events, informational items, restaurant reviews, etc. etc. Please submit your articles to the Management Office by the 15th of any month for the end of month publication. Right now the only regular column is mine and a lot of advertising. SHAREHOLDER BUDGET & FINANCE MEETING: Our Budget & Finance shareholder meeting to introduce the budget for the 2015/2016 year will take place on the deck of Pool #2 (by the clubhouse) on June 22nd with a rain date of June 30th. It is incumbent upon every shareholder to N E W S attend this important meeting so we look forward to a large turnout. Thank you as always and I appreciate your continued support. FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK: BY MARGARET COSTELLO A Building Captains meeting took place on May 22, 2015 and the following topics were discussed: SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS: A request was submitted for a camera to be installed on the back of B#3 and B#5 to face the playground. This matter will be addressed. An enquiry was submitted with regards to a vacant apartment in B#11. The captains were advised that this apartment is bank owned and that the bank is in the process of selling it. CLUBHOUSE: A conversation took place on the new “swipe card” system implemented for clubhouse membership. A discussion took place on the overall operations of the clubhouse by Elite Pool Management and the benefits of having it professionally managed. Various matters needing attention were discussed which will be addressed as seen fit. Mention was made regarding the damaged sea wall behind B #32. The captains were advised that Management has reached out to all local politicians for financial assistance to assist with the repair work but, to date, not much has been achieved. PLAYGROUND BY POOL #1: The captains were advised that resurfacing of the playground by pool #1 has been approved and possible replacement of the equipment was discussed. REAL ESTATE ASSESSED EVALUATIONS: There was an enquiry as to the status of the real estate assessed evaluations. A discussion followed and the captains were advised that discussions are still ongoing at State level to have the valuations adjusted. COURIER ARTICLES: Captains made a request to have more shareholder input in the Courier. It was suggested that shareholders should write about community events and other informational or recreational activities. It was also suggested that a list of all incoming shareholders names should be printed as a welcoming gesture. LANDSCAPING: Landscape Chairperson, Warren Lisagar, explained briefly the current landscaping program that is under way. CEMENT WORK: A brief discussion took place on the cement replacement work around the buildings. The captains were advised that, due to a cracking issue with some of the recent cement work, Merritt Engineering has been retained to examine the problems and to draw up specifications to remediate the problems properly and also to give guidance for ongoing work. PAINTING & WALLPAPERING IN THE HALLWAYS: A discussion took place and it was agreed that our maintenance people will do some work on the lobbies to improve the condition of same. I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming summer season and the beautiful amenities at Le Havre. We want to hear from you, LeHavre! Send us your ideas for the Courier; community events; vacation stories; resident profi les; and more! Email your ideas to Margaret at [email protected] WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | JUNE 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3
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