L E H A V R E N E W S 3 A P R I L PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA Important Contact Information Listed are some phone important phone numbers that LeHavre residents should be aware of. LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | APRIL 2014 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 Management Offi ce 718-767-7400 (8am-5pm) Maintenance Dept. [email protected] [email protected] 718-767-6200 (7am-4pm) LeClub 718-767-2277 Security 718-767-6200 (4pm-7am) 109th Precinct 718-321-2250 School Board #25 718-282-7600 Web site address is: www.lhocorp.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Thomas Affatato, Board Member [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Theodore Toledo, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Theresa Imperati, Accounts Payable [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Antoinette Oliva, Club Manager [email protected] General Maintenance Department email [email protected] Hoping everyone is finally getting to enjoy our spring like weather after going through such a harsh winter. I hope that, as usual, during the warmer weather and the summer season you will get out to enjoy all of our facilities and that you are looking forward to the summer season and the opening of our pools. I would like to inform everybody that we have totally completed the gas conversion project on all thirty-two buildings and that all of our boilers are now running on natural gas. This in turn, we hope, will reduce our fuel costs by approximately one-third. FINANCIAL: The eight months through February 2013 (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $10,688,128, 67.17 percent of the budgeted amount and total expenses of $9,895,593, 65.26 percent of the budgeted amount as reported by our accountants. LAUNDRY: I am pleased to inform you that we just finalized a new contract with Coinmach for the replacement of all of the washing machines and dryers. We will be getting stateof the-art Wascomat high capacity washing machines. These machines will have much larger front-loading tubs and a larger openings to put in the laundry. Each machines will sit on a base to make for easier access and the washers will run on a longer cycle. The dryers will be replaced with basically the same type of dryers as we currently have as there hasn’t been much improvement in dryers over the past years. Each dryer will also sit on a base to make for easier access. Unfortunately, due to rising prices, the cost of each wash and dry will be increased by $0.25. The card system will remain in effect. This changeover will take place during June and the total replacement process will take approximately four weeks to complete. No building’s laundry will be entirely shut down during this transition period. CAPTAINS MEETING: I am working on having a Building Captains meeting during the month of May, date to be determined. PROJECTS: We are looking forward to commencing several projects this spring and summer including the repairing, repaving and striping of all parking lots. We will also be commencing a sidewalk repair program whereby all damaged cement will be replaced as needed. Hopefully, the long awaited cementunder the-building project will get underway with the addition of pavers in the entry ways and around the poles. We will have two contractors do a sample building each and, thereafter, a determination will be made as to which we should ultimately choose to do the entire project over the next few years. We are also looking to start a program of replacing the front lobby doors, which will take place over a few years, with the exception of those doors that have been replaced in the past few years. SPONSOR: I would like to inform all shareholders that the prior sponsors (PSONY) have sold their shares to a new sponsor by the name of Whitestone Equities LLC, which will be continuing to act as the holder of unsold shares. Presently the sponsor holds 108 apartments and that number will get reduced yearly due to the sale of these rental apartments. Once again I would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Wishing everyon A HappSpring Wascomat high capacity washing machine Stanley R. Greenberg
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