House of Reps. approves Maloney’s Never Again
Education Act on Holocaust Remembrance Day
The House of Representatives
passed Congresswoman Carolyn
Maloney’s Never Again
Education Act to support Holocaust
education across the
The vote came Monday as
the world recognized International
Holocaust Remembrance
Day which this year
marked the 75th anniversary
of the liberation of the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration
“As we recommit ourselves
to the promise of
‘Never Again’ on this 75th
anniversary of the liberation
of Auschwitz-Birkenau,
I am reminded that the lessons
of the Holocaust do not
just apply to anti-Semitism,
but to all forms of hate and
bigotry and I can think of
no better way to honor the
memories of those murdered
that to make sure our students
know their names and
their stories,” Maloney said.
“If we do not learn from history
we are doomed to repeat
it. I urge the Senate to act
quickly on this bill.”
Ahead of the vote, Maloney
joined Jewish leaders,
Holocaust survivors and educators
to discuss Holocaust
Her legislation would expand
the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum’s education
programming to teachers
across the country requiring
the museum to develop
and disseminate accurate,
relevant and accessible resources
to improve awareness
and understanding of
the Holocaust and educate
individuals on the lessons of
the Holocaust.
Meanwhile, Governor
Andrew Cuomo traveled to
Poland, where he joined hundreds
of Holocaust survivors
at the Auschwitz-Birkenau
death camp. Cuomo brought
along rocks from the state
capital engraved with the
TIMESLEDGER | QNS.30 COM | FEB. 7-FEB. 13, 2020
words “New York state remembers”
and he left them
at the infamous railroad
tracks that led to the camp.
“The official commemoration
of the 75th anniversary
of the liberation of
Auschwitz-Birkenau was
a somber, yet powerful reminder
of what the Jewish
people have gone through
and what they are still going
through today,” Cuomo
said. “The horrific rash of
anti-Semitism we are experiencing
in our state and
across the nation is disgusting
and repugnant to our
values as new Yorkers and
Americans, and because of it
another generation of young
people are experiencing the
discrimination, hatred and
pain that they’ve read about
in history books. New York
is home to the largest Jewish
community outside of Israel.
We must continue to speak
out and fight back against
these abhorrent acts of hate
whenever and wherever we
see them, and we must vow
to never let what happened
to the 6 million Jewish people
during the Holocaust
happen again.”
Reach reporter Bill Parry
by e-mail at bparry@schnepsmedia.
com or by phone
at (718) 260–4538.
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney’s Never Again Education Act
passes overwhelmingly in the House. Courtesy of Maloney’s offi ce
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