Nine candidates collect enough signatures to
appear on ballot for borough president election
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TIMESLEDGER | QNS.COM | JAN. 17-23, 2020 5
The window for collecting
petitions to appear on
the ballot of the March 24
special election for borough
president officially closed at
the end of the day on Tuesday,
Jan. 14.
In addition to the lastminute
entries from Republican
map-maker Danniel Sun
Maio and former Assistant
District Attorney Jim Quinn,
the filings from the Board of
Elections contained more
surprises for those closely
following the race.
The agency said that a total
of nine candidates have
submitted more than the
requisite 2,000 petitions in
order to appear on the ballot.
Those candidates include
Everly Brown, Councilman
Costa Constantinides, former
Councilwoman Elizabeth
Crowley, Danniel Maio,
Anthony Miranda, Jim
Quinn, Donovan Richards,
Jimmy Van Bramer and
Dao Yin. Jusinta Jaggasar-
Emul’s petition lacked the
necessary number of signatures
to appear on the ballot.
f the six candidates that
QNS was able to make contact
with, Constantinides racked
up the most petitions of the
field, with a total of about
9,700 signatures, according
to his spokesperson.
According to campaign
representatives, Miranda
and Richards both collected
about 9,000, Quinn filed
7,809 and Crowley and Van
Bramer collected approximately
7,500 signatures.
Of the new names in
the race, one of them is a
veteran candidate. Everly
Brown ran for QBP against
Melinda Katz in 2013.
General objections to any
of the candidates’ petitions
are required to be filed with
the BOE by midnight Jan.
17. The objectors would then
need to specify which signatures
they are objecting to
and a hearing would then be
set. QNS was not able to make
contact with Brown, Maio,
and Yin before press time.
Reach reporter Max Parrott
by e-mail at mparrott@ or by
phone at (718) 260-2507.
Five of the candidates pictured at a debate in Douglaston on Jan. 4. Photo: Max Parrott/QNS