Dubbs Weinblatt
Dubbs Weinblatt is the
founder, executive
producer, and host
of “Thank You
For Coming Out,” an improv
and storytelling show series
that is now also a
Gay City News podcast
celebrating the LGBTQIA+
community by
showcasing queer stories.
Dubbs is trans, genderqueer,
queer, and
gay. Each of those words
means something different
to them and is an important
part of their identity.
On the “Thank You For Coming
Out” podcast, Dubbs talks to lesbian,
gay, trans, bi, non-binary, and
other members of the queer community
about their coming out stories.
Recent guests have included Sara
Bareilles, a community ally who is a
Grammy-winning singer, songwriter,
and the composer of the music
and lyrics for the Broadway musical
“Waitress”; Glennon Doyle, the author
of the #1 New York Times
bestseller “Untamed” who founded
Together Rising, an all-women
led nonprofit organization that has
raised more than $25 million for
women, families, and children in
crisis; Joey Soloway, a non-binary
activist who is a two-time Emmy
Award-winning television auteur, a
founding member of the #TimesUp
and #5050by2020 campaigns,
and the author of “She Wants
It”; and Ez Menas, a star of
Alanis Morrisette’s Broadway
musical “Jagged Little
Dubbs is also the
co-founder and executive
producer of Craft Your
Truth, an organization
that encourages LGBTQIA+
folks to use any kind
of performance art as a way
to express their stories and connect
with the community around
them. They believe that everyone
can find a golden thread in their
unique personal story and, with
the help of a professional performing
artist, can spin their story into
a form of creative expression.
In their professional life, Dubbs is
associate director of education and
training at Keshet, a national organization
that works for the full equality
of all LGBTQ Jews and their families
in Jewish life. In that role, they
travel the country using their strong
facilitation skills and humor to inspire
and help create institutional
change. Among Keshet’s unique
offerings are LGBTQ & Ally Teen
Shabbaton Retreats that offer youth
the opportunity to learn, grow, and
celebrate who they are in a warm
and vibrant community.
Born in Columbus, Ohio, Dubbs
struggled to figure out and embrace
their trans and queer identities
and has dedicated their life to
make it easier for those who may
be struggling as they did.
and Executive
“Thank You For
Coming Out”
David Zink
David Zink, an advertising
professional by
day, is a “key volunteer”
with AIDS Walk
New York, the annual GMHC
fundraiser that has, in its 35
years, raised over $150 million
and engaged more than 900,000
David’s history with AIDS Walk
New York goes back to 1989, when
he first walked. Two years later, he
proved that all those boxes on the
registration card really do work –
he checked the box reading, “Contact
me for volunteer opportunities.”
Soon enough, David was volunteering
for the September 1990
AIDS Dance-A-Thon. The following
spring, he was part of the team
steering the 1991 AIDS Walk.
Asked what motivated him to
dive in to work behind the scenes,
he cited several reasons.
“First, I was brought up with
a family ethic of helping out the
community,” David said. “Second,
I didn’t want my job to define me,
and, third, I had just moved into
the city and wanted to work with
a group of people with the same
Thirty-two years later, David
is considered a “key volunteer”
with AIDS Walk. His
prominent role in the event
came from being a “conehead”
– a term undoubtedly
borrowed from “Saturday
Night Live” (Google
it) used to describe the
tall orange conical posts
attached with yellow caution
tape to delineate the
walking lanes. The protected
walking lanes are critical to
shielding walkers from oncoming
vehicular traffic.
David now oversees all of the
coneheads, which can be a challenging
job with sudden changes
in the route, not to mention the
fact that the volunteer conehead
crew generally changes from year
to year.
The changes in his volunteer
team are something David takes
in stride, explaining, “It’s great
to see the new faces getting
MZA Inc. is the organization
that produces AIDS
Walk New York, and it also
stages AIDS Walk Los Angeles
and AIDS Walk San
Francisco, which benefit
leading HIV/ AIDS services
in those cities. That connection
has brought David into
volunteer work in the two West
Coast cities, as well.
Three decades is a long stretch
of volunteering by any measure.
What keeps him going?
“What drives me to come back,
besides seeing lifelong friends at
every walk, is being inspired by
the walkers who show up – literally
rain or shine,” David said.
David has worked in advertising
since 1987. Since 1997, he has
been a senior print production
manager in that field.
Key Volunteer,
New York,
Los Angeles, and
San Francisco
2020 Impact A 30 wards | GayCityNews.nyc