NYPD fi nds drowned body of teen off Rockaway Beach
Sen. Sanders calls for stronger safety measures to prevent future incidents from happening
NYPD divers on Monday
recovered the body believed
to be that of a 15-year-old
who presumably drowned
Sunday while swimming with
friends at Beach 88th Street
and Beach Channel drive in
Rockaway Beach.
While police wait for
identification by the Medical
Examiner’s office state
Senator James Sanders Jr.
said he would be meeting with
the appropriate government
agencies in the coming days
to discuss solutions to prevent
future drowning deaths along
the Rockaway Peninsula.
Friends of the teenager say
Joshua Ordozi screamed for
help as he was pulled under
powerful waves and they
were unable to pull him from
the rough surf. Ordozi would
become the fourth person to
drown within the last month.
All of the victims entered
the water after 6 p.m. when
lifeguards are not on duty.
“How many people have
to die, before we say enough
is enough,” Sanders asked.
“Rockaway Beach is beautiful,
but it can also be dangerous.”
Sanders is advocating
for increased and improved
signage all around Rockaway
Beach, particularly in areas
where the ocean floor dips
several feet, the launch of an
educational campaign to raise
awareness about the dangers
of riptides, whirlpools and
other conditions that can
cause drowning, increased
access to supervised public
pools and swimming lessons.
“I am deeply and profoundly
saddened by the drowning
deaths that have occurred in
Far Rockaway over the last
month and my thoughts and
prayers are with the victims
and their families,” Sanders
said. “I want to make sure no
other family has to experience
such heartbreaking loss.”
In addition to Odozi, John
Munoz, 18, was swept away by
strong tides and his lifeless
body was discovered July 31,
not far from where he was
State Senator James Sanders Jr. is calling for better safety measures at Rockaway beached after a
fourth drowning in the past month. Photo courtesy of Sanders’ offi ce
last seen struggling to stay
afloat near Beach 60th Street.
Umarie Chamble and Keylon
Ramsay, a Long Island couple,
were celebrating a friend’s
birthday on July 9, when
they apparently drowned
near Beach 9th Street and
Seagirt Boulevard, sometime
after they started swimming
after 10 p.m.
“If we can learn one
thing from these recent
tragedies and all the previous
swimming-related deaths at
Rockaway Beach is that safety
must come first,” Sanders
said. “Having some summer
fun is not worth risking your
life. I want people to enjoy the
beach, but do so during the day
and always when a lifeguard
is present.”
Reach reporter Bill
Parry by email at bparry@
schnepsmedia.com or by phone
at (718) 260–4538.
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