Jamaica man uses his jiu jitsu training to diffuse subway kerfuffl e on Astoria-bound E train
FLUSHING HOUSE Independent Senior Residence
In January, 32-year-old Jamaica
resident Daniel Kouame defused a
tense situation between two straphangers
on the E train while he was
on his way to visit his mother in Astoria.
According to Kouame, a man laid
down on a woman’s shoulder on the
subway, and became agitated after being
asked to move. Visibly upset, he
garnered the attention of the entire
subway car.
Kouame says he was wearing headphones
during most of the exchange,
but when other people began to get involved,
he knew he needed to act.
Kouame, a senior HR manager for
an accounting firm, had been training
at the International Training Center
of New York, located in Astoria, for
four years as part of his pursuit in the
art of jiu jitsu. He currently wears a
purple belt.
Kouame is passionate about jiu jitsu
and self defense, but even more so
about safety.
Kouame recalled the man becoming
increasingly violent to the point where
he knocked the woman’s phone from
her hand onto the subway floor. As
the dispute was escalating, Kouame
stepped in to separate the man and the
woman in an effort to diffuse the situation
and keep everyone safe.
Kouame exited the train with the
woman at her stop and walked her
home when he noticed the man following
her. The man eventually left them
alone and everyone made it home safely,
Kouame said.
“I knew I had to do something because
I would have felt awful if I had
let it go on,” the good Samaritan said.
The woman later wrote to the jiu
jitsu school, thanking them for training
individuals who are able to “foster
peace and provide safety” in stressful
situations such as the one she had recently
found herself in.
“I would hope that anyone else
would have done the same thing,”
Kouame said.
Kouame values the practice and
discipline of self defense, and encourages
others to try it too so that you are
never without a way to protect yourself.
The International Training Center
of New York offers beginners classes
on basic self defense.
Daniel Kouame proudly represents the ITC of New York at a competition.
Courtesy of Daniel Kouame
The residents of Flushing House, an Independent Living community located in the heart
of Queens, were treated to a special Chess Exhibition led by Asa Hoffmann. Mr. Hoffman
is a FIDE Master in chess, as well as a chess teacher and author. He was portrayed in the
movie ‘Searching for Bobby Fischer’ by actor Austin Pendleton. Mr. Hoffman took on
over 15 challengers from Flushing House in a thrilling exhibition of skill and endurance.
Chess provides the aging population with a hobby that offers socialization. An increase
in socialization later in life decreases the risk of depression and strengthens the overall
emotional health of an individual. Chess also stimulates the brain, strengthening the
mental capacity of its players which helps with information retention.
Many of the participating residents have played chess in their lifetime but few played
regularly. The exhibition has sparked a new wave of interest into the activity and
simultaneous chess matches are now common place in the Activity Room of Flushing
House. The addition of chess into a daily or weekly routine helps improve the plasticity
of aging brains. Just like our muscles, the brain weakens if it is not regularly used and
challenged. Playing games like chess actively engages the brain and has been shown to
strengthen logical reasoning and problem solving among the aging population.
As the exhibition went on, Asa Hoffman faced many formidable opponents but one proved to be tougher than the rest. Flushing House resident, Leonard
move. It was an encouraging moment for the whole community who is still buzzing about the victory weeks later.
The Flushing House Chess exhibition was created by residents of Flushing House as a way to introduce the game to new players and form relationships
among current players. The community of over 300 residents has a full daily activity schedule that keeps residents active and on the go. For more photos
of Flushing House events, follow them on Instagram and Facebook or visit FlushingHouse.com!
www.flushinghouse.com • (718) 762-3198 • (888) 987-6205