ONE in every 110
babies is born
with a congenital
heart defect.
The Children's Heart Foundation
exists to make sure these babies
live long, healthy lives.
Scan the QR code to make
a donation in support of
congenital heart defect research.
Placing Children
at the Heart of Research
On April 15, 2015, my husband and I welcomed our daughter Olivia
into this world. Olivia was born with a complex congenital heart
defect (CHD) and had life-saving open heart surgery at 6 weeks
old. Despite that she is currently living without a pulmonary valve,
she's doing great. She's a sweet and sassy girl who loves school,
ballet, and playing with her brothers.
By looking at her, you would never know that she is missing her
pulmonary valve, and if today’s medical technology does not
advance from where it currently is, she will need at least one
more open heart surgery in her lifetime.
The Children’s Heart Foundation has been funding CHD research
for over 25 years. Continuing to fund research will allow scientists
to learn more about the causes of CHDs, find more life-saving
advancements, and discover less invasive treatment options.
The mission of The Children’s Heart Foundation is crucial to
children born with CHDs and their families, along with the
doctors and nurses that treat them.
- Danielle Pradas, Olivia's mom
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