

4 Message from the Board President Doesn’t it seem like the pool just opened? But here it is, already the end of summer. The annual Labor Day barbeque for pool members will be held Sunday, September 6th, the last official day of the 2015 pool season (rain date Monday, September 7th, just in case the weather doesn’t cooperate). And so it’s back to school time, and for those of you with school-aged children, this month’s Courier features some fine t i p s to help take some of the stress out of this time of year (at least for the kids!). Hope you find them interesting and helpful. Finally, please enjoy the most recent photos of the seawall project. Stephen Vrattos from the Courier came by to take some new pix (he’s been coming around so often lately people are starting to think he works here). Seriously, since folks can’t go down to the site to see the work in person, these photos really help everyone “watch” the progress unfolding. Thanks as always, Stephen. The project remains on-target for a November 1 completion, so we’re really approaching the home stretch. BOD Update The following is a reprint of the BOD update posted on August 20th. 2014 Tax Abatement: For many years at Cryder Point, the practice has been to supplement the coop’s maintenance costs with the amount of the total Real Estate Tax Abatement received by the corporation from New York City. The Bo ard has again vote d not to supplement the assessment with STAR credits . Therefore, everyone who is eligible to receive STAR credit should see it reflected in full on their September Bill.  As always, those who qualify for Veterans Credit and SCRIE/DRIE will receive those credits as well. Sea Wall: The project is moving along as scheduled. The engineers’ report has November 1st as the target completion date. Contractor to move some heavy machinery on site for slope grading, and the engineer is to present to the board plans for new pier/dock access. Announcements & Reminders – September 2015 4 cryder point courier | September 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM Balconies : In the 01 building, scaffolding has been erected on the A, B, C, and D lines with demolition commencing. P, R, S, and T lines are completed. N, and O lines are completed except the first floor. J and K lines are in the process of concrete pouring. G, and H have not had work start yet. At this time the schedule calls for completion by year-end. Any changes to this plan will be announced immediately. Pol: Management is looking to obtain bids for diamond coating of the pool surface. This would commence upon the completion of this year’s pool season. Plumbing: After last week’s heavy rain, basement drain pipes could not hold the overflow so the primary pipes leading to the City main have been cleaned out. C R Y D E R P O I N T September Jill Davis Labor Day Barbeque : Open to all Pool Members. Sunday, September 6th/Rain date Monday, September 7th. Details will be posted shortly. Management Office Services : To protect your privacy and maximize Management Office resources, no personal business services (copying, faxing, printing, etc.) are permitted in the Management Office.  Only Cryder Point business is to be handled.  Thank you for your cooperation. Insurance Certi ficates : All residents are required to maintain homeowners’ insurance. Residents who have not submitted a current copy of their Declarations Page were recently sent a reminder to do so; please provide your copy as soon as possible. Playground: The playground remains closed until further notice. Apartment Renovations and Balcon y Enclosures : Shareholders are required to contact Management prior to initiating any renovations/improvements, including but not limited to the installation of splitsystem air conditioning, kitchen or bathroom remodeling, installation of balcony screens, etc. Please contact the Office with any questions. Apartment Problems: If you have a problem in your apartment such as heat, plumbing, etc., please contact your Concierge. He/she will notify the Office to provide assistance as soon as possible. Emergency Contacts : All residents have received a form to provide the Office with updated contact information in the event of an emergency. If you have not already done so, please complete and return the form as soon as possible. Dog Owners: Register your dog! Your dog must wear a CPOC issued medallion anywhere on CPOC property. Dogs observed without a medallion will be assumed not to be registered and owners will be subject to a $250 fine. See Stacey in the office to register. There is a one-time $25 registration fee per dog. Dog Walking: House Rules expressly prohibit walking dogs anywhere on the property to relieve themselves; failure to comply will result in a warning and/or $250 fine. Please keep your dog on a short leash to prevent them from wandering onto the grass of CPOC property. Contactin g the Bo ard: Please e-mail the Board at board@ cryderpoint.com or leave a note with your concierge, at the Management Office or in the Suggestion Box in your lobby.

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