C R Y D E R P O I N T JULY AHEAD Full Speed 6 CRYDER POINT COURIER | JULY 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM The Seawall Reconstruction is in Good Shape BY STEPHEN VRATTOS To paraphrase an old adage, good news is good news. After last winter’s harsh conditions, little has impeded the reconstruction, and it is hoped Mother Nature will continue to cooperate. Any worries whether the pool would open on time, if at all, were averted, and the pool actually opened two weeks ahead of plan on June 20th. Progress on the wall itself continues apace. Approximately 24 inches wide, it had to be heightened by that and more in some spots for uniformity and added structural security. Once the wall is completed, tons of boulders will have been pushed against its base to provide a breakwater. But erosion has been the bigger concern. “We’re not so much worried about the water coming in,” explains Building Manager Bill Newell. “We’re worried about it getting out.” To facilitate the drainage, new pipes and additional egress points have been constructed into the design. Crushed rock is being used as backfill to promote greater drainage. The gradation of the grounds will be eased and the planned landscaping will incorporate shrubbery to help strengthen the soil. All of these efforts take time, and the current estimate for completion of the reconstruction is sometime in November. Stay tuned for further updates. Photos by Stephen Vrattos 6
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