Publisher & Editor Victoria Schneps-Yunis
Associate Publisher Joshua A. Schneps
Editor In Chief Jill Davis
APRIL 2020
This month’s reminders focus on COVID-19 related issues. Even though everyone
has received communications about best preventive practices, they can’t be repeated
often enough.
The idea behind these measures is simple: Do as much as we can to stop the spread.
In order for them to work, everyone must abide by them.
Wash your hands often
Use regular soap and water for 20 seconds (that’s two verses of “Happy Birthday”).
Use sanitizer as a second choice if soap isn’t available.
Stay at home
Limit your outside activities to the necessities such as going to the grocery store.
If you go out
Cover your face
Message from
the Board President
In a matter of a few short weeks, all the things
that seemed so important have pretty much lost
their significance. When things return to normal—
or perhaps I should say, the “new normal”—
we will be turning our attention back
to those issues. The good news in that is that
it means yes, there will be an end to this historically
horrific time.
You’ve probably heard the daily 7:00pm applause,
sometimes coupled with music, around
the property. This is a new ritual that began with
New Yorkers taking a moment to thank medical professionals around
hospitals, and it’s now evolved to encompass broader thanks across the
This expression of gratitude made me think about our own Cryder
Point staff. You may not realize that under the strict guidelines issued
by NYC, our concierges and porters are officially considered essential
employees. And indeed they are. But we often take them for granted
and don’t realize the amount of work they do, especially in these trying
times. While we’re all sheltering in place, they’re all making sure the
trains are running, so to speak, and I’d like to express my thanks to each
and every one of them.
Our staff is led with great dedication by Bill Newell, who is doing
an impressive job keeping Cryder Point operating smoothly and efficiently.
And Stacey Pankavich and Bridget Matus are behind the scenes
(as in, working remotely from home while the office is closed) making
sure the necessary administrative tasks get done.
I’d also like to thank all our residents for taking professionals’ advice
seriously and following the preventive measures so closely. It truly is
the only way we can get to the other side of this mountain.
A final note to anyone who has family members or friends who’ve
come down with the virus (and I’m sure most of us know a few): Let’s
all wish them full and speedy recoveries and share good thoughts that
we all stay safe and healthy.
And so for all of us here in our little community, let’s remember that
what really matters is that we’re all in this together—distanced, but not
Stay well, everyone.
Till next time, Jill Davis
• T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s p a p e r o f C r y d e r P o i n t •
“We’re All About You”
Use a scarf or bandana if a mask is not available
Cover your hands
Ordinary gloves will work if you don’t have disposable ones
Keep your distance
No congregating!
Always practice social distancing, i.e., stay 6 feet away from the
next person, even if you are wearing a mask
If you don’t feel well
Seek medical care if you are not feeling well for 3 to 4 days.
Unfortunately, not everyone is tested for the virus.
The symptoms vary widely, so it’s difficult to tell if you actually
have the coronavirus if you have not been tested.
However, you will likely be advised by your medical professional
to self-quarantine. It is imperative that you do so until you are
medically cleared.
Notify Management so that you can be assisted, e.g., having your
trash picked up outside your door.
Management Office: 718-767-5003
Management Office Fax: 718-767-1549
e-mail: spankavich@cryderpoint.com
Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5003/Press 5
Board of Directors e-mail: board@cryderpoint.com
Cryder Point Courier
38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441
Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: editorial@qns.com
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