

C R Y D E R P O I N T APRIL Mes s a g e from the Board President Hello everyone, I don’t know about you, but there were days when I thought winter would never end! I know we’re all ready for some warmth and sunshine and are happy for the longer days. Work continues on the seawall project, and after some weather-related delays the pace is picking up. Look for another update in next month’s CPOC Courier. In the meantime, scaffolding is being put up in preparation of the balcony replacements on the 01 Building. In just a few months we’ll be able to check this enormous project off of the ‘to-do’ list of CPOC property improvements… finally! All of this ongoing work at Cryder Point has not been a deterrent to our real estate values—to the contrary, the market is showing significant improvement. Please read the Courier’s interviews with some of our prominent real estate agents to get their thoughts and perspectives on the topic. In the m e a n t i m e , let me wish everyone Happy Easter and Happy Passover, both welcomed signs of spring! 4 APRIL 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS & REMINDERS: INSURANCE CERTIFICATES: All residents are required to maintain homeowners’ insurance. Residents who have not submitted a current copy of their Declarations Page were recently sent a reminder to do so; please provide your copy as soon as possible. APARTMENT RENOVATIONS AND BALCONY ENCLOSURES: Shareholders are required to contact Management prior to initiating any renovations/improvements, including but not limited to the installation of split-system air conditioning, kitchen or bathroom remodeling, installation of balcony screens, etc. Please contact the Office with any questions. PLAYGROUND: The playground remains closed until further notice. APARTMENT PROBLEMS: If you have a problem in your apartment such as heat, plumbing, etc., please contact your Concierge. He/she will notify the Office to provide assistance as soon as possible. Jill Davis IMPORTcoAnNtacTtsBoard of Directors e-mail: [email protected] CRYDER POINT PUBLISHER & EDITOR Victoria Schneps-Yunis ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Joshua A. Schneps EDITOR IN CHIEF Stephen Vrattos 4 CRYDER POINT COURIER | APRIL 2015 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM EMERGENCY CONTACTS: All residents have received a form to provide the Office with updated contact information in the event of an emergency. If you have not already done so, please complete and return the form as soon as possible. DOG OWNERS: Register your dog! Your dog must wear a CPOC issued medallion anywhere on CPOC property. Dogs observed without a medallion will be assumed not to be registered and owners will be subject to a $250 fine. See Stacey in the office to register. There is a onetime $25 registration fee per dog. DOG WALKING: House Rules expressly prohibit walking dogs anywhere on the property to relieve themselves; failure to comply will result in a warning and/or $250 fine. Please keep your dog on a short leash to prevent them from wandering onto the grass of CPOC property. CONTACTING THE BOARD: Please e-mail the Board at board@ cryderpoint.com or leave a note with your concierge, at the Management Office or in the Suggestion Box in your lobby. Management Offi ce: 718-767-5003 Management Offi ce Fax: 718-767-1549 Lobby/Doorman: 718-767-5336 • T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s p a p e r o f C r y d e r P o i n t • “We’re All About You” Cryder Point Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 718-224-5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 e-mail: [email protected] ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Decio ARTISTS Stephen Reina, Nirmal Singh, Ron Torina, Cheryl Gallagher Entire Contents Copyright 2015 by the Cryder Point Courier. All letters sent to CRYDER POINT COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and office telephone numbers, where available, as well as affiliation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Only letters with a name given will be accepted. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced without prior permission of CRYDER POINT COURIER. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be reported to CRYDER POINT COURIER within five days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. CRYDER POINT COURIER assumes no liability for the content or reply to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold CRYDER POINT COURIER and its employees harmless from all cost, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement.

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