

14 C R Y D E RP O I N TDEC/JAN MIXED USE FOR FLUSHING PROPERTY BY MELISSA CHAN The current “Success 88 LLC 5 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t is grateful for the A Bayside developer building on the property opportunity to turn the has been tapped to was previously used as property on 40th Road transform a vacant Flushing office space for the city’s into a prominent structure property into a mixed-use Department of Sanitation that will fit well into development. until it was vacated in 2005 downtown Flushing,” The New York City due to structural damage the company said in a Economic Development by adjacent construction, statement. “We are Corporation (NYCEDC) officials said. anxious to begin this announced it has selected The NYCEDC said exciting project that Success 88 LLC, headed Mak has a “long history of will benefit the local by Betsy Mak, to turn developing and renovating community. Our hopes are an abandoned site at properties across the city,” to develop a multi-use and 135-15 40th Road into including 30 projects in multi-functional building 12,000-square-feet of Queens. Her company, that will blend well into community, commercial officials said, has agreed the neighborhood, and and retail space. to hire locally to fill jobs provide growth potential “Flushing continues to generated by the project, for local small businesses. thrive and this project will as well as seek public This will provide an add to the community’s input to determine how the economic boost to economic growth,” said community space will be Flushing by creating new Councilmember Peter Koo. used. opportunities and jobs.” SHOPPING MAY BE IN SCOBEE’S FUTURE BY MELISSA CHAN An applicant is looking to tear down a shuttered Little Neck diner to erect a retail and community facility in its place, according to a local community board. Lion Bee Equities, a Great Neck-based company, has proposed transforming the former Scobee Grill diner into a two-story building with retail on the first floor and a community facility on the second floor, said Community Board 11’s district manager Susan Seinfeld. The popular diner at 252-29 Northern Boulevard had been around for several decades THE COURIER/File photo before it shut down two years ago when eatery An applicant is looking to demolish the former Scobee Grill diner to erect a retail and community facility in its place. owners failed to reach negotiations to purchase the property from its landowners. A public hearing for the proposal is “This would create jobs for construction Retail plans were not yet known for the scheduled for March, Seinfeld said. people and contractors. I miss Scobee’s but now vacant site, said Seinfeld, but there is a Longtime Little Neck resident Larry neighborhoods change. Restaurants come and high possibility the equities firm would push Penner, who said he met his wife at go,” he said. “I was kind of hoping a diner for a medical facility or a day care on the Scobee’s on a blind date, welcomed the would come in there, but a lot of diners are second floor. development. disappearing in Queens.” 14 cryder point courier | deceMBer/JAnuAry 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM

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