Seward Park Liquors keeps serving strong
It’s been one year since
Seward Park Liquors
grand reopening on Ludlow
Store owner John DiBlasio
relocated to the Lower East
Side side street after 43 years
on Grand Street, and just like
at his old location, he said
he is dedicated to providing
neighborhood residents with
a wide variety of wines and
liquors at affordable prices.
During a tour of the store,
DiBlasio pulled down a bottle
of one of the many types of
aperitifs from one of the ceiling
high shelves in the store’s
narrow front hallway. In his
hand he held a bottle of St.
Germian, a popular brand of
an elder fl ower liqueur that
can be used to make cocktails
like martinis or drunk before
dinner to stimulate the appetite.
He carries the nearly $40
brand along with its less expensive
counter part, St. Elder,
which can be purchased
for around $19.
“So, that is what I try to
do,” said DiBlasio. “Give the
customer an option.”
And there are options for
everyone at Seward Park Liquors
— DiBlasio boasts that
he carries 1,000 different
kinds of wine and liquors in
the deceptively small store.
Sections of the store are designated
for Kosher wines,
sakes and sojus, some things
not found everywhere. Once
customers pass down the entrance
hallway, where unique
liquors like Bolivian whiskey
lie, they walk into a large
wine room. There, wine bottles
from countries like Italy,
France, Israel and Austria
are stacked so tall that DiBlasio
has installed rolling ladders
along the walls to better
reach the fermented delights.
“I have great connections
and can get mostly anything,”
said DiBlasio, a native of the
Lower East Side.
At the end of the wine
room, the back door to
Seward Park Liquors leads to
small patio that DiBlasio recently
created. The space can
provide visitors short respites
from city during the store’s
monthly wine-tastings.
John DiBlasio, owner of Seward Park Liquors, sits in front of a wall of wine. He carries
wine from numerous regions and countries.
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8 October 31, 2019 Schneps Media