Caribbean L 46 ife, June 7–13, 2019
Dr. Daniel LaMontagne (left) and Dr. Vincent Adamo (right)
Live Holistic — at home in Bay Ridge — is at
the helm of Dr. Vincent Adamo, who is
certified in nutrition and spinal correction.
Its goal with this care is to reduce and
remove interference from your nervous
system, claiming that your body has an
“innate” ability to be healthy, so long as the
controlling mechanism (the nervous system)
is free from interference. With time and
repetition, Live Holistic’s goal is to correct
subluxations and allow your body to return
to good health naturally and feel its best!
Dr. Vincent Adamo is at the helm of
Live Holistic. Dr. Adamo is certified in
nutrition and spinal correction.
Live Holistic’s goal is to reduce and
remove interference from your nervous
system. Your body has an “innate” ability
to be healthy, so long as the controlling
mechanism (the nervous system)
is free from interference.
With time and repetition, Live Holistic’s
goal is to correct subluxations and
allow your body to return to good health
naturally and feel its best!
By George Alleyne
Any day now doctors in
Barbados will be issuing prescriptions
for medical cannabis
enabling patients to uplift
this drug from a pharmacy
similar to the way in which
they get other medication.
This is so because Barbados
is on the verge of widespread
dispensation of medical cannabis,
through a prescription
service that empowers doctors
to recommend derivatives of
the banned plant for patients
ailing from a select number of
discomforts or diseases.
While use of the plant for
recreational purposes remains
prohibited, government has
conceded that there are to be
found in it enough benefits to
justify medical use and made
it available in the National
Drug Service, the state agency
that lists all pharmaceuticals
legally allowed for prescription
by private and public doctors.
Health Minister, Jeffrey
Bostic, has noted that Barbados’
current laws allow prescription
of medical marijuana
in special circumstances,
and it is just a matter of now
putting the logistics in place
and compiling a list of authorised
“The current legislation
gives the minister of health
and wellness the authority
to do so through the process
of the Drug Formulary.
That is what guides everything
in Barbados in terms
of dispensing and prescribing
drugs. So we decided we
would utilise that established
process,” Bostick said days ago
at the opening of a Training
For Health Care Providers
In Therapeutic Prescribing Of
Medicinal Marijuana Products
workshop, which is in preparation
for prescription of the
This drug, extracted from
marijuana falls within a group
called cannabinoids which are
associated with pain relief and
elation that help a patient in
Reportedly the ailments
for which medical marijuana
will be prescribed in Barbados
comprise Anorexia, Nausea,
Chronic Pain, Seizure Disorders
in Children, Wasting
Syndrome, and Elasticity in
Multiple Sclerosis.
Chief Medical Officer, Dr.
Kenneth George had previously
said “the ministry of
Health will be focused on the
use of cannabinoids in very
specific conditions.
“Research has shown there
is some therapeutic benefit.
And with any drug, we realise
there needs to be a predictable
mechanism, duration
of action and predictable side
The cannabinoids added to
the local formulary include
nabiximols, purified cannabidiol,
synthetic nonpsychoactive
cannabinoid, nabilone and
Minister of Health Bostic
however warned that recreational
use, including smoking,
of cannabis remains illegal
“because there is no scientific
evidence to suggest that
smoking contributes to any
ailments people might have.
So that was ruled out from
day one.”
Government had announced
last year that sometime in the
future Barbadians will decide
on legalisation of recreational
marijuana through a national
Barbados Minister of Health, Jeffrey Bostic.
Photo by George Alleyne
Bajans getting medical ganja