By Tangerine Clarke
“This Martin Luther King Jr.
Day, we affirm Int. 1867, a bill
that would grant immigrants in
New York City the ability to vote
in municipal elections.
“We stand on the shoulders
of freedom fighters and activists
who sought to uplift social
justice and equity for decades,
including the late Martin Luther
King Jr. Immigrants make
up the fabric of our city and
indeed are the drivers behind
our local communities, contributing
to South Queens’ vibrant
social, economic, and cultural
landscape. Immigrants deserve
to have a stake in local elections
that directly impact their
daily lives. At SQWM, we have a
dream of collective liberation for
all people, especially our Black
and Brown fellow neighbors.”
Thus, we affirm Int. 1867 and
we call on those that have the
power to uphold the bill. Today,
we also call on the federal government
to ensure that the voting
rights of all are protected
from restrictions and barriers
by passing the Freedom to Vote
Act. SQWM expends much time
and labor advocating for political
power in our communities
because we recognize that in
order to achieve true gender
equity, we must have a seat
at the table. Our voice is our
power,” said Aminta Kilawan-
Narine, founder and executive
director of SQWM, said in a
recent statement.
These are the fighting words
of the South Queens Women’s
March (SQWM) that calls on the
relevant parties to uphold Int.
1867, a New York City Council
law that would give certain
immigrants in New York City
the right to vote in municipal
“The law is currently being
challenged by several lawmakers
who filed a lawsuit in a Staten
Island court last week on the
grounds that the law is unconstitutional.
Caribbean L 16 ife, JANUARY 21-27, 2022
Plaintiffs in the suit
include Assembly Members
Michael Reilly and Michael Tannousis,
Council Members David
Carr, Robert Holden, Inna Vernikov,
Joann Ariola and Vickie
Paladino and Staten Island Borough
President Vito Fossella,”
said the body.
“Allowing over one million
LPRs and those with
work authorizations to vote in
municipal elections will allow
for a more inclusive, equitable
city. As a first-generation immigrant,
I understand firsthand
the frustrations despite living
and working in NYC and not
being able to civically participate
in the elections that essentially
impacts my everyday life
and future.”
“As a newly, naturalized U.S.
citizen as of Thursday, Jan.13,
I was overjoyed at the newly
appointed duties of being able
to vote not only in Federal, but
elections at all levels. We owe the
passage of #INTRO1867 to all of
the immigrant communities,
who call this great city home,”
said Nirmala Singh, founding
board member of SQWM.
Candace Prince-Modeste,
founding board member of
SQWM said, “More participation
Aminta Kilawan-Narine, founder and executive director of
SQWM, fi rst in front row, with members of the organization.
in the electoral process is always
a good thing for our society.
Opening municipal elections to
non-citizens is an excellent way
to introduce them to the voting
process. By seeing firsthand
how their participation helps
shape their communities, many
green card holders will likely
be empowered to continue the
path towards citizenship. This
bill must be upheld.”
SQWM calls for equal rights
for immigrants in NYC
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