NOVEMBER 2016 I BOROMAG.COM I 35 collectors and casual art lovers. It’s art for the apartment, home, nursery, office or the café down the street. The art is universal and easy to understand. You won’t be intimidated or overwhelmed by it. BORO: You mentioned that you have a daughter. Do you think your art influences her or vice versa? CD: This definitely goes both ways. I think art works that way; it’s kind of impossible to keep it from leaving its mark. My ladybug design grew out of an afternoon catching ladybugs with my daughter in the Japanese countryside. She was amazed to see it — it had come to life in color on the screen. My daughter loves to sketch and tell stories through her art. We do a lot of sketching together. Lately, if I am drawing vegetables, she will work on her own collection. We have a symbiotic creative relationship. BORO: With the holidays coming up, what art would you recommend to those looking to gift something special? CD: I do have a few seasonal pieces that get a little more attention during the holiday season. These are also done in a modern, minimal style. I am interested in modernizing traditional holiday imagery as I have done with my Autumn Gourd and Indian Corn pieces. Love the idea of taking the traditional holiday imagery and giving it a modern twist or refresh. BORO: So Astoria, you have another local star in your midst. Should you run into him, make sure to say hello! Where to find Dina’s work: Email: [email protected] Images courtesy of Christopher Dina
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