custom strokes of beauty with the brush. It seems like a novel idea, but what it’s really doing is bringing us back to the way we used to communicate, before the age of screens: it’s an invitation for handwritten letters, thoughtful messages and personal touch. With an array of products ranging from family portraits, to boutique signs, to nursery prints, to wedding packages, Consuelo has discovered a market for one-of-a-kind artistry. “It’s funny because I’ve learned a little bit about trends from what people want. I like the one-on-one with clients. Besides, I don’t always have to come up with an idea. Sometimes you help someone else finish theirs and putting that together is a cool new experience for me,” Reinitz said. After she made an illustration of The Beatles as babies — complete with facial hair — for her son’s room, requests came in for paintings of baby Phish and baby Bob Marley, among others. “It has been a truly happy discovery for me that I shared this with the world and have received a positive response,” she said. The work Reinitz does is personal, so she takes the time to learn about the details of her customers’ lives. In a world where everything is done by default, the simple act of sitting down to write a handwritten note to someone you care about might be reason enough to get yourself a hefty set and make it a new habit. Images courtesy of Consuelo Reinitz Pink Fries Paperie @pinkfriespaperie 20 I BOROMAG.COM I OCTOBER 2016 EXPLORE YOUR BORO
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