TIMESLEDGER | QNS.26 COM | NOV. 13-NOV. 19, 2020
Jackson Heights’
34th Avenue Open
Street hosts popup
art gallery
The 34th Avenue Open Street in Jackson Heights turned into
an open-air art festival on Sunday, Nov. 8.
Hosted by the Diverse Streets initiative, the pop-up gallery
between 93rd Street and 94th Street allowed for community
members to take in art pieces by local artists.
Participants took a virtual tour by using their phones to scan
QR codes, which were placed by each display. Once the phone
had recognized the code, it would display the art, be it a dance,
musical or film performance.
The virtual performances were created to lower the risk of
COVID-19 transmission.
In addition to the virtual performances, prints from local
artists were displayed throughout the street and available for