TIMESLEDGER | QNS.10 COM | OCT. 30-NOV. 5, 2020
“I love this community, it’s
my home; it’s where my
wife and I have raised our
children, and it’s a
special place for my family.
I want the best for our
community; to see it
succeed, thrive and live
up to its full potential.”
- Dao
I believe in government as a force for doing good. For helping
families maximize every opportunity possible. For helping
grandparents, parents and children. Government can help make
good things happen. But for government to work, our elected
officials need to work with us, not against us.
As a businessman and community activist, my priorities have
always been what’s best for our community. That’s not something
I learned in grade school or high school or even college,
it’s common sense and it’s sorely lacking in our home of
I am running to be our community’s next Borough President
because it’s an important job and because I am the only one
working to bring our community safely together.
In these challenging times, Dao Yin’s experience as a Businessman
and community leader make him uniquely qualified and
well prepared to serve our community. As a husband and
father of two children he understands what middle-class
families are going through and he will fight for our values and
our community’s safety.