TIMESLEDGER | 16 QNS.COM | JUNE 12-18, 2020
JUNE 27, 2 0 2 0
Text or Call: (347) 305-4497
Help those affected most by COVID-19
Please donate today at ccbq.org
All donations are matched.
3 Months.
100,000 Meals.
As the virus began to spread in New York, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and
Queens immediately began to feel the impact. Residents reached out for
counseling to deal with the anxiety caused by the virus, as well as fears due to
an uncertain future caused by unemployment and poverty. Within a few short
weeks, employees at our food pantries were dealing with a 200% increase in
food requests.
“Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens has served on the front-lines of
emergency response for years, so we were able to quickly turn our attention to
emergency crisis care,” said Monsignor Alfred LoPinto, President and CEO.
The Catholic Charities network of food pantries, senior centers, residences
and home delivered meals have provided more than 300,000 meals during
the crisis. Catholic Charities also provides weekly pop-up food pantry sites,
distributing more than 100,000 meals since March 24th.
“Staff members have provided counseling by phone to those suffering from
anxiety and depression and extended a helping hand through our call centers
Monsignor LoPinto. “Our teachers in our early childhood centers are teaching
remotely and providing daily activities for children and families, and our staff are
calling our older adults daily to make sure they are ok.”
To help Catholic Charities continue this vital work, donate today
at www.ccbq.org.
About Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens: For 120 years, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens has been
providing quality social services to the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens, and currently offers 160-plus
programs and services for children, youth, adults, older adults, and those struggling with mental illness.
As one of the largest faith-based developers of affordable housing in the country, Catholic Charities provides
4,330 units of housing for low-income seniors, families, veterans, the formerly homeless, those with HIV and
those struggling with mental illness. For additional information, visit our website at www.ccbq.org.
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